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Perfect Day for a 5-Miler

So So Weights
It's funny how a super cold snap bringing wind chills of 2 degrees can change your perspective on what suddenly feels warm. It was about 40 degrees at 9 am and I thought, "Wow, it's warm out there." I was definitely more excited about the training run on a gorgeous, slightly warmer day. Too bad we were only schedule for 4 miles though. I would have preferred that we did the longer run today.

But, before I got the run in, I did finally do my chest workout and finished up with abs from High Reps. Today was supposed to be 85% of 1RM doing 4 sets of 7 reps.

Flat bench chest press
Flat bench chest flyes
Incline chest press
Incline chest flyes

I'll admit that today was HARD. I ended up hitting failure at the 6th rep for the 2nd, 3rd, 4th sets of the presses. I ended up going back to last week's weight for the Incline Chest Press because I just couldn't hold form right and was struggling. Better safe than sorry.

Awesome Run
Now, the was a gorgeous sunny day and about 50 degrees when we headed out. Even better, for once it wasn't gusting winds. We decided to start out at a different spot on the river trail today. That meant we ended up hitting. 5.2 miles mostly by mistake since we didn't know how far the route really went. It was a great run though, everything just felt great. We even saw two armadillo out. I've never seen one alive let alone two!

It was great to see so many other runners out today too. I know most of them are training for either the full or the half marathon coming up in March as well.

Lunch and Heading Out of Town
We got home and both stretched and used the TriggerPoint Therapy Kit . I was famished, and thankfully I had prepped lunch before the run. For lunch we had Blackened Seitan Wraps. It had been a while since I had made this and have actually been craving it. Luckily I had some homemade Chikn' Seitan in the fridge ready to be used. It was fate.

As I mentioned yesterday, my sister's birthday was on Monday. We'll be loading up and heading to our hometown today to hang out with her. There's a sushi place she really enjoys. She has promised me that they do have a wakame salad. Other than that, I'm not a huge sushi fan. I mean, I don't eat meat so it's hard to get really excited about it. But she's fallen for it, and Jason loves it too. Do you guys like sushi? Or does it just scare you? I used to be scared of things like a seaweed salad, now I crave it!

Anyway, I'll be MIA from blogging because Sarah doesn't have internet at her house. I do finally have my smart phone, but can't seem to copy/paste email addresses so I can respond - can only respond to the comment and I don't know if everyone gets notification when I have replied. I hope you all have a great Saturday!


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