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Taking it Easy on 1-1-2011

Slow Start
Jason and I enjoyed a very low-key New Year's Eve. Since it was Friday, we went with our usual Pizza & Pool Friday theme. After eating, we just lazed on the couch listening to music then trying to watch the ball drop festivities. Not sure why, but this year our local stations didn't show the NY drop live. They stopped it at 10 pm CST and it didn't resume until 11:30! Somehow we managed to stay awake until 12:05 then proceeded to crash.

I refused to get out of the bed before 9:00 am this morning - it was actually more like 9:30. No guilt at all. I was up a couple of times in the night with a coughing fit, Maddie woke us again at 6-ish then again at 7:30-ish.

I finally decided I should get my lazy rear out of bed and enjoy breakfast at least. I also started a crockpot stew - a Lucky New Year's Stew. I usually don't make it a big point to have black-eyed peas and cabbage/greens. But this was a good excuse to use my crockpot. I had soaked my black-eyed peas over night and then just winged it with the rest opting for ingredients that are supposed to bring luck in the new year. I will post the recipe and reviews tomorrow.

First 2011 Workout
After I got the stew started, I finally decided to hit the weights. Today was the first workout of STS Meso 3 (Just did Chest and Back). This moves into the strength building phase and starts at 80% of your 1RM. There are 4 supersets done as 4 sets of 8 reps.

Flat bench chest press
Underhand rows

Flat bench chest flyes
1-arm rows

Incline chest press
Pullovers (was supposed to be deadlifts)

Incline chest flyes
1-arm horizontal rows

I added on 2x8 of low back extensions on the ball.

I followed up the weights with 2 combos from MMA Boxing then abs from High Reps before calling it quits.

Beyond Slow Going
Everything just seemed to happen late today. I didn't finish my workout until 1:40 pm then got cleaned up quickly because we had decided to go out for lunch. It was finally sunny and we didn't want to just sit inside all day. So we thought we would splurge and go sit and enjoy a lazy, leisurely lunch.

Jason ended up having a flat tire - that took about 20 minutes to fix. Then the restaurant was closed for New Year's Day. We tried one other restaurant that was also closed before deciding to drive through the River Market area to see what might be open there. We ended up not getting lunch until around 3 pm. Needless to say, I was becoming a bear (that's just putting it nicely). I did have a pretty good salad though. It was from a place called Big Whiskey and the salad was called Strawberry Hill. I ordered it without the bleu cheese so mine was greens, strawberries, cranberries, almonds, and balsamic vinaigrette.

This extremely late lunch of course means that dinner will be much later than we would normally eat. Since I'm not sure what time we'll end up eating, I'm going to just post the recipe and pictures tomorrow (providing it turns out of course). Such a late, slow start also pretty much meant a lazy day over all. I guess this is why I typically feel guilty for sleeping in. I did get some laundry done, but never managed to get the Christmas decorations put away. Guess that's the main thing on tomorrow's to-do list along with jarring some beans.

How was the first day of the new year for you? I hope it was a good one!


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