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Not So Fun Facts Friday

Fun Friday?
Rest day at last. I am definitely enjoying the day of rest. However, my morning certainly made me think twice about throwing in a boxing or kickboxing DVD.

I went out to start my car to let it warm up at about 6:30. Heath was finishing eating and Maddie was outside going potty (she inhales her food in seconds). I hear gears grinding and tires squealing, so I rushed to the back door already knowing what to expect - my car had been stolen. Yep, gone. Thankfully there was nothing of any value in there. It's a convertible, so I never keep anything in there that would tempt someone to try to break in.

I called the cops and all that fun stuff. Oh, something of keys. To the house, pass to the gym, AND keys to get into my office are now gone. So how does the morning get better? I have to climb the wall to get into my office - it's sort of a cubicle, but the "walls" are higher than most cubes, but they don't go to the ceiling. Thankfully no one else was in the office yet to see me scaling the wall.

Oh and the day gets better of course. It started snowing, really snowing. As of yesterday, they were only calling for trace amounts up to maybe 1 inch. I didn't wear rain boots, I had on cute tall boots with heels. I was also going to hit up the grocery store at lunch because we're seriously low in the food department.

So to set it up in terms of "Fun" Facts, here is how my day went down:
  • My car was stolen
  • Had to climb up on cabinets then over a wall to get into office (thankful no one was there to see)
  • Snowed so everyone left work early
  • Snow also meant no grocery trip as planned (or maybe it was the no car)
  • I couldn't leave work as I had no car and had to wait for Jason
  • Paid $100 to change locks on the house
  • Didn't wear appropriate shoes and forgot a hat or umbrella 
But, I shall try to find the humor or positives: 
  • Scaling walls of office cube is kind of funny, especially in knee-high, high-heeled boots. In retrospect I should have removed the boots first. 
  • It's amazing how high it seemed at the ceiling looking down; I started to panic a bit. 
  • The snow was pretty at least. 
  • I did finally get to go home a little after 12pm when we had to meet the locksmith. 
  • I also have some amazing blog friends who checked in on me. Love you guys!!
 Here are a couple of pictures from our conference room window (10th floor) taken around 11 am. The roads don't look terrible, but they were starting to get slushy. It was really the bridges and overpasses that were causing the biggest traffic issues.

The snow stopped briefly only to start coming down hard again. It's supposed to be in the 40's tomorrow though, so it'll all be gone thankfully.


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