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Treadmill Run & Leftovers for Dinner

7 Miles Down
Wow, we may not have snow here, but we sure have the arctic blast. Yet again, it was a balmy 6 degree windchill on my walk into work. That just hurts. I was coming up with all sort of plans on how to make today a rest day, get in the run tomorrow instead, which had originally been forecast as sunny and 39 degrees. They went and changed the forecast on me. Humph. Tomorrow we actually now have a chance of some snow (nothing major mind you). So, back to today and running.

It ended up being a dreadmill run. I was really dreading the run all day to be honest. I started wishing that I had packed my cold-weather running duds when I saw the temps rise up to 24 degrees. Clearly I have lost my freaking mind at this point.

The half marathon training plan called for the same as last Thursday: 5-6 miles, 4 x 1:30 hill intervals, 6 gentle pickups. Considering I struggle with 3 steady-state miles on the treadmill, I knew that I was going to have to just do what I could, even if that meant fewer miles (which I will make up on Sunday because I am planning on 10 when plan says 8).

Sooooo....I promised myself 3 miles then the intervals. I actually managed 5 then all the intervals for a total of 7 miles. Woohoo! The way I got through the 5 miles was by pretending it was the end of the half and forcing myself to push through that last bit. Good practice right?

I don't really have any issues doing intervals on the treadmill. Time flies by for me and I feel like I have a better sense of my speed for intervals on the treadmill. It's just those blasted steady-states that get me. Enough whining, I know it's not fun to hear. I'm tired of hearing myself complain about it. I guess I should think of it as good mental training for the half marathon. If I can tough out a treadmill run, then surely I can get through the half right?

After I got home, I hit my yoga mat for some stretching and TriggerPoint Therapy Kit time. I really must say that I love this kit. It is honestly worth every penny and then some. I really can feel a difference in muscle tightness, or the lack of now.

Leftovers It Is
I was really worn out after the run. I took a long, hot shower, then reheated some of the leftover Vegan Crockpot Red Beans and Rice that I had stashed in the freezer. Jason was wanting a Thai Curry dish, but we were out of rice and didn't have enough rice noodles. We didn't even have sweet potatoes for baked sweet potato fries and veggie burgers. So this just had to do until I can hit up the store tomorrow.


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