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Fun Facts Friday - 7 Random Workout Facts

Free Friday
Today is going to be a rest day for me. My body is begging for it, and I realized last night that my last rest day was last Thursday. I usually don't like to go more than 6 days without my rest day. So today it is.

I guess I shouldn't have bragged about our nice weather, we have rain and much much cooler temps in the forecast now. Darn it. I was hoping that race day (Sunday) wouldn't be too terribly cool, but it's now looking like it'll be around 33 degrees at the start of the race. That of course means having to fuss with gloves and such.

Wearing the race bibs makes layering much more difficult too. I have to have a bib on front and back so no real way of shedding a layer that I can think of. I guess at least I won't have sweat pouring into my eyes though....trying to find a positive....

Today I did pick up my race packet from the marathon expo. I can't explain just how nervous I am or why I am so nervous. At this point, I am wishing the race was tomorrow so I could get on with it. I have a feeling (or hope) that once the race gets going, I'll settle in and enjoy it more. I really do want to enjoy this experience.

Fun Facts Friday - Working Out and Running
Dawn @ Florida Coastal Cooking passed along a blogger award the other day (thanks girl!!!) so I decided that would be perfect for Fun Facts Friday.

The rules:
  • Link to the person who awarded you
  • List 7 random facts about yourself
  • Pass the award on to 7 other bloggers

I know it's supposed to be random, and supposed to just be factoids, but since I'm focused on my half marathon on Sunday and all the training and such, I thought I would do random facts and thoughts regarding workouts and racing. 
  1. It's kind of fun being the only female in the weight area of the gym - makes me feel like a bit of a bad ass. 
  2. Even though I don't just love to work legs, I can't wait to hit them hard again starting next week. I feel like they've lost all definition since the IT band injury and race training.  
  3. I think I may actually miss the half marathon training as crazy as that might sound. There was something satisfying about conquering some of those crazy intervals.
  4. While I trained with bloks/chomps running outdoors, I felt too silly to use them when running on the treadmill at the gym so I just took water and Gatorade. 
  5. I have 2 drawers dedicated to workout clothes (one winter - long pants/tops - and one -  shorts/tanks).
  6. I prefer short bra tops because I get really hot and sweaty, though I feel a bit awkward wearing them at the gym because no one else does.
  7. I firmly believe the only good treadmill run is one with intervals.
So, now to pass this along...
  1. Courtney @ The Granola Chronicles
  2. Kalli @ Fit & Forty Something
  3. Alison @ Physically Philosophical
  4. Madeline @ Greens and Jeans
  5. Bela @ It's Life, Max it Out
  6. Melissa @ Melissa Dishes 
  7. Kristen @ Swanky Dietitian

But as usual, I hope you will all play along and list a few random facts!


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