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Gym Day & Grilled Citrus Tahini Tofu

Gym Day
Today started Day 1 of Week 3 of my total body workout rotation. It called for 4 sets of 5 reps of the following exercises done as straight sets. I started with 10 minutes on the elliptical as a warm up.

Wide grip pull ups
Incline chest flye into press
Dumbbell curls
Double-arm overhead triceps extension
Lateral raises 
Static lunges

I did some ab work then finished with another 10 minutes on the elliptical before heading home. I must say that I'm starting to struggle with these workouts after work. I had gotten really used to breaking out the workouts doing weights at lunch then cardio later. I'm doing a lot less cardio now, but workouts are taking about the same amount of time. A lot has to do with getting set up at the gym properly. But I'm starting to just feel tired of it all.

Is it possible to workout just 5 days a week and maintain or even possibly gain results? There was a time, many moons ago, when I didn't workout 6 days a week.The thing is, almost always, once I get going I really get into the workout until about the last 15 minutes then I start watching that clock. I start worrying about how late dinner is going to be, if I'll be able to get any chores done, etc.

How many days a week do you workout? Do you ever just get tired of it?

Windy Tofu Tuesday
The weather was warm once again. But windy and mostly cloudy. It was the kind of wind that sort of pisses you off actually. Bad hair day is an understatement. Anyway, that didn't deter us from grilling out again. And I know I shouldn't complain too much as some of you actually had snow. For that, I am soooo sorry.

During lunch I started pressing some tofu and made a Citrus Tahini Marinade to use with the tofu both to baste while grilling and use as a sauce for serving. I also grilled up some asparagus and dressed very simply with a lemon pepper spice blend along with some grilled sweet potatoes.

Citrus Tahini Marinade/Sauce
2 tbsp tahini
2-3 tbsp lemon juice
1/4-1/2 cup OJ (to consistency basically)
Splash balsamic vinegar
To taste: salt, dried dill, parsley
1 tbsp Dijon mustard

Whisk all ingredients together.

I basted the tofu with the marinade and let it sit for about an hour before grilling the tofu. I made sure to save some of the marinade to use as a sauce. I simply heated it up before pouring it down over the grilled tofu.

It's been great to get back to outdoor cooking this week. I hope to be more creative with grilling this year. I know there are so many options and fun ways to grill foods. What I love most about grilling veggies is that you get so much flavor from the grilling process and need very little (if any) seasoning for it.

What are some of your favorite grilling recipes, marinades, or just things to grill? Growing up I thought grilling was either burgers, steaks, or chicken and sides would be corn, potato salad, or slaw of some sort. I pretty much hated grilling out as a kid!


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