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Vegan Thai Curry Veggies for Thursday & Weight Day

Needles Suck
Well today was one of those, I REALLY don't want to go to work days. This morning I had to do a fasted blood draw at 7:15. Friends, this chick HATES needles. Hate is even an understatement. Since the age of 18, this is the 3rd time I've had blood drawn (I'm 36). I have been known to pass out cold. Oh, and I'm not one who can get up and not eat breakfast. I almost always wake up hungry. A couple of problems with the whole morning fast thing: 1) not a morning person, 2) hungry, 3) really ugly when I'm hungry, 4) even uglier when I'm hungry and it's early in the morning.

I don't know what it is, but there is a certain pain that a needle causes me that I just can't take. I can take on a lot of other pain, but needles are my downfall. I wanted to cry and throw a big fat childish fit even. I didn't though. I kept composure, warned the lady I might pass out, took it like a grown up, and thankfully stayed alert. I think that deserves a day off! ;-)

Gym Day
Despite soreness setting in from the blood draw, I really wanted to get in a workout today so I could take tomorrow off. Friday Free Day! So, today was Day 2 of Week 2 of the total body workout rotation. Same as last week's Day 2 only done as supersets with goal of increasing weight 1.25-2%. I started off with 10 minutes on the elliptical then got going on my weights.

Arnold press
Alternating dumbbell curls

Flat bench dumbbell press
Single-arm row

Cross-body curls
Lying dumbbell triceps extension

Calf raises 3x15
Rear-leg elevated lunges

Squats with standing squat machine
Prone leg curls for hamstrings

I got in some ab work then headed back to the elliptical for about 5 minutes.

* SS#5 deviated from last week's workout. I decided I wanted to try the squats machine again, but remembered why I don't like it. Maybe I'm a complete dodo, but I didn't feel like my form was correct at all. The machine wouldn't allow for me to squat parallel. Maybe my height? Anyway, lesson learned, I'll be sticking to dumbbells and barbells.

Thai Curry Thursday
I got home and really had zero desire to do any cooking. I had made some rice earlier in the week thinking we'd do stir fry. It just had no appeal to me though. I really really wanted to cookout. It was a fantastic 77 degrees today. But, we really didn't have anything to grill.

While I was getting cleaned up, Jason threw together a Thai Curry Veggies dish to server over the ready-made rice. It worked. But I feel like I've been losing creativity in the kitchen again. I guess it's time to come up with some new warmer weather dishes.
Recycled photo as it almost always seems to look the same ;-)


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