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BBQ Seitan & Portobello Burritos on a Rest Day

Sunday Salad Night
Last night we ended up going the grilling route for dinner. I had lots of fresh veggies on hand since I just went to the grocery store. So I grilled veggies (squash, zucchini, sweet potato, red and green bell peppers) and tempeh for a tasty Grilled Tempeh & Veggies Salad.

I love these grilled salads because you can use whatever veggie you like and protein source as well. It would have been just as good with grilled tofu or even your favorite bean.

Monday oh Monday
Today started off swimmingly. Definitely a Monday. I got to work and realized I didn't have my badge to get into my office. As a reminder, I get to work at 7am. Not many people are around that early. I had to sit and wait until another co-worker showed up. Happy Monday!

Needless to say, it was just one of "those" days. I had no energy or desire to get in a workout either. I had my bag packed to either hit the gym or go for a run. In the end, I went home after work, declaring it a rest day.

I had thought I might get out in the yard and do some weeding, but got caught up inside. I made some more homemade seitan (strips and cutlets), changed over laundry, and did some reorganizing of a closet and some kitchen cabinets. I also made dinner tonight, opting to use some of the seitan I had just made.

Jason had picked up some monster portobellos a few days ago. I've been really liking BBQ sauce lately, maybe I'm wishing for summer. So I ended up making BBQ Seitan and Portobello Burritos.

BBQ Seitan and Portobello Burritos
1/2 white onion, thinly sliced
1/4 red bell pepper, thinly sliced
1/4 yellow bell pepper, thinly sliced
1 - 1 1/2 portobellos, thinly sliced
Few dashes of liquid smoke
To taste: cumin, salt, black pepper, red pepper, chili powder
Seitan (homemade, or your favorite brand)
BBQ sauce (just to desired amount)
Whole-grain tortilla wraps
Daiya vegan cheese (optional)

In large skillet, saute onions and peppers until begin to soften. Add in portobellos and liquid smoke and cover to let them sweat down. After the portobellos soften, add in seasoning, seitan, and BBQ sauce. Toss together well then remove from heat.

Add mixture to wrap and sprinkle with Daiya then fold up. As an option (which I did) you can brown them in a non-stick pan.

If you like BBQ, then I think you'd like this. Unlike most burritos, these definitely don't need any toppings like salsa or even jalapenos. The filling would also work really well on a salad, as a sandwich, or even mixed in with a whole grain like rice or barley.


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