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Redeeming Run & Grilling Out

Redeeming Run
Today turned out to be an absolutely gorgeous, sunny day. For a change we didn't have winds gusting hard enough to nudge you over just standing. Of course this meant a run. I just couldn't pass up the opportunity.

I will admit that I was honestly nervous about running today. Saturday's windy, humid, hot run kind of scarred me a bit. I know it's a little silly, but if you run and have had a bad one, then you know how it goes.

Thankfully, I had a redeeming 6.5 mile run. It was a little warm, but the breeze was just about perfect. It was a little strong on the return, but I was getting pretty warm and didn't mind at that point. 

I got home, stretched and rolled on my Triggerpoint Therapy Kit. Luckily, I had no pain during my run other than a little bit of calf tightness.

Grilling Out
Since it was so nice out, we decided we needed to grill. We had plenty of veggies. I was opting for a Grilled Veggie & Tempeh Salad and Jason was wanting a Grilled Veggie Sandwich. Either way you couldn't go terribly wrong of course.

I ended up grilling red and green bell peppers, squash, and zucchini. I grilled sweet potato "fries" for the side. For the sandwiches, I made up a really quick and easy roasted red bell pepper hummus, melted some almond cheese and added some spinach, serving on Ezekiel bread.

This was a nice, summer-time meal. The Ezekiel bread worked really well for this grilled sandwich too. It held up nicely. I always hate it when the bread gets soggy and falls apart.


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