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Sunny Saturday, Great Run, Party Time - 80's Style

I was blinded this morning by this crazy thing called sunshine. My poor eyes were in shock. It was definitely a great way to start the day. I did some laundry, swiffered the floors, and Jason dusted. Then we headed out to try to find an 80's inspired outfit for him and some accessories (more accessories) and shoes for me. There are a couple of places called Savers (similar to Goodwill). We hit up both Savers AND a Goodwill and even DSW (thanks babe).

I was on the hunt for hot pink shoes. Any that I found were in the wrong size darn it. I do have plenty of accessories though and Jason found a snazzy outfit. It did take way longer than we expected. I felt that the day really got away from me.

I wanted to get in a long run. It was absolutely gorgeous out, though a little warm since I waited so late. Jason hasn't run with me in well over a month. His plan was to run the first 3 mile lap then stop by the car and he would trade running shoes for biking shoes and bike while I finished out another 6 miles.

This pit stop gave me time to refill my water bottle, grab my iPod, and take a potty break. Then I was on my merry way. Jason caught up to me at one point where I took advantage and drank some Gatorade. He lapped around then caught me again. This time I refilled my water bottle again. He was my personal roving aid station ;-)

However, after the 2nd refill (around mile 7) I started feeling a bad blister under my toes and sort of got thrown off my rhythm. It took a good mile to get back on track. For that mile I was soooo ready to just be done. I could tell I was starting to get too much sun (have a rockin' sports bra tan line now) despite the 50 spf I slathered on. I was getting ticked at the insane number of bugs I kept running into. But I kept at it of course. In all, I did 9.7 miles maintaining an 8:40 pace. I was pretty happy with that, and a complete sweaty, crusty mess in the end.

We got home and I rolled out then we got cleaned up. It's really getting late and we haven't had a proper lunch yet. We had breakfast, then a snack before the run, fueling mid- and post-run, but no lunch.

So, cleaned up, heading out and I probably won't be back online tonight. When we get back from lunch/dinner, we'll have to change into our 80's attire and head right back out again. Don't worry, I will get plenty of pictures ;-)

Have a great Saturday evening my friends!


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