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Fun Facts Friday - Running Must Haves

Leg Day
Don't know about you all, but I sure am happy Friday finally arrived. Today I decided to hit the gym for legs. Tomorrow is supposed to be rainy and we're super busy so no long run. Hopefully I will be able to run on Sunday instead. Soooo, that means today was ideal for legs.

I didn't want to go super heavy as my legs have been plenty tired already this week. I did 10 minutes on the elliptical to warm up then the following supersets.

Squats with low-end pulse - 3x10
Plie squats - 3x10

Stiff-leg deadlifts - 10, 8, 8
Alternating front lunges - 3x16 (8 each side)

Calf raises - 3x15
Alternating side lunges - 3x12

I finished with another 10 minutes on the elliptical then a stretch. I gotta say, this wasn't the most stellar leg workout I've had recently. I really felt weak and worn out to be honest. Just wasn't clicking for me at all.

Fun Facts Friday - Running Must Haves
I feel like I've been somewhat of a complainer lately. I guess that's what can happen when you're completely honest and just write out exactly how you're feeling each day. I've been sick, car accident, then migraine, some crappy runs. But life hasn't been crappy overall. I hope that comes across at least. I really do try to look for the good things around me. We need those good things to offset the bad.

Sometimes those "good" things are just funny, amusing thoughts. I love those amusing notions during runs, especially when I need a pick-me-up moment. During one of my recent runs, I was thinking about all the gear I need for running. I look around and see some people (men of course) just out there in shoes and shorts. Hell, some not even in shoes. No hats, sunglasses, water bottles. They're just there....running.

Me? Wow...where to begin? When I go down the list in my head, I am sort of shocked at myself to be honest. But then I list the reasons for each item and it totally makes sense (in my crazy world).

For Fun Facts Friday, I'll share my list of "must haves" for running. I have a feeling you'll either be totally shocked, or nod your head and agree to this long list.

Heather's Running Must-Haves

Running socks - I firmly believe that running socks (designed just for runners) are crucial in blister prevention.

Running shoes (Brooks Ghost 3) - the right shoe is an absolute must. Color? Who cares. It's about the right fit period.

Sunscreen - I have baby formula for face and a spray, sports variety for rest of body. This is a must. I don't want early wrinkles or skin cancer just because I prefer to run outside.

Hat - for me a huge must. I sweat. Period. Hats keep the sweat out of my eyes and also helps protect my scalp (as a redhead, more prone to skin cancer on head).

Sunglasses - unless it's raining, gotta have 'em. My eyes are super sensitive. And even if it is raining, they can help keep the drops out of your eyes. See...a must.

Heart rate monitor - I know what you're thinking...not a must. Oh, but it is. I use my heart rate as a guide for speed and level of exertion. I don't have a GPS, so I also try to gauge my speed then the time so I have a general idea of distance (unless I have my mile markers mapped in my head). 

Body glide - if I'm wearing shorts, I must use the anti-chafing stick. Trust me, world of difference!

iPod - Ok, this isn't a total must. If I'm running with someone, then I don't use it. I didn't use it for a few long training runs, nor did I use it during my half marathon. But, it sure is nice to have music to enjoy when out on longer solo runs.

Water bottles - absolute freaking must have. I have no clue how people run without water. I have a 20 oz hand-held bottle that also has a nifty pocket for key and GU/Gel packet. I keep another bottle in the car for post-run rehydration.

GU/Gels - If I am running over 7 miles, this is a MUST for me. I found that my recovery is night and day different. 

Sweat towel - go back up to the hat for this reason, I sweat. After a run, I use my towel to dry off and to sit on so my car doesn't smell like a gym bag.

Sports flip-flops - these are a new must have item for me. I found a pair of New Balance flip-flops that I am in love with. I slip them on after I am done stretching for the ride home. My feet love me now.

Trigger Point Therapy Kit - this is another post-run, absolute must have for me. It's been worth every single penny in preventing any additional IT band injuries.

So there you have it, my running and post-running gear. Over the top? High maintenance? What are your must haves? Or are you the type that just throws on any old duds, your running sneaks and take off?


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