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Socca Pizzas & Sunny Saturday

Socca Pizza Friday
Since I wasn't feeling too swift last night, we ended up staying in. I decided to try the socca pizza crust again. This is what I did for the crusts (doubling the recipe to make 2 crusts). 

Socca Pizza Crust


1 cup chickpea flour
3/4 cups + 1-2 tbsp water
2 tbsp olive oil
To taste: salt, pepper, garlic powder, oregano, parsley, and a red bell pepper spice blend

Preheat oven to 425 degrees and put in pizza stone (if using one).

Whisk ingredients well making sure there are no lumps. Set aside and allow the batter to set for at least 20 minutes. Pour batter into non-stick skillet and cook approximately 3 - 3.5 minutes.

Cook on pizza stone, topside down for approximately 10 minutes then remove from oven and top with desired toppings. Return to oven and bake until crust is crisp, approximately 30 minutes.

One was a veggie pizza with squash, onions, red bell peppers, and sundried tomatoes and the other was a BBQ style with onions, bell peppers, portobellos. Both had Quorn patties cut up and Daiya Vegan Cheese.

We're really enjoying the socca crust option. Both pizzas turned out great. I do think the key to the socca is to make sure it's very well seasoned.

Sunny Saturday

Today I woke up and my throat was screaming at me. But at least the crud wasn't down into my chest. I decided it was to nice not to at least try for a run. I was completely prepared for 4 miles, would have loved to have done 9. I ended up making it for 6.2 miles.

It wasn't the worst run I've ever had. It wasn't the best. Because I was so stuffed up and on sinus meds, oh and it was windy and humid, I decided to focus on heart rate rather than time. I had a really hard time keeping my heart rate in check though. I know part of it was the humidity and the sinus meds. Also, I have some crazy weird issue about moderating my runs in windy conditions. I tend to go faster (oddly enough).

I think I feel like the fact that it's harder is because of the winds, not from my speed. Very strange I know. I did allow myself to stop and walk for 1 minute when I was 45 minutes into the run. My heart rate was hovering at 174 and I just couldn't seem to get it down. In the 1 minute I walked, it only dropped to 156. The minute I started to run again, it jumped right back up.

So, tough run, but actually a pretty good one overall. However, when you're nose is super runny, you do start to look at leaves in a different light ;-)

After my run, I got cleaned up and we had some friends over for a patio afternoon. It was simply gorgeous today. And the day was only made better by spending time with friends lounging on the patio soaking up some much-needed vitamin D.

Dinner tonight???? Not really sure. If it's anything exciting, I'll let you know tomorrow. But for now, I plan on enjoying the rest of the evening with my hubby.

I hope everyone is having a great weekend and enjoying time with friends and/or family. Log off my friends and enjoy!


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