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Sunny Patio Kind of Weekend

Still Working Out
I swear, I keep waking up to a new cold each day. One day my throat is scratchy and it's in my chest, the next day my throat is screaming on fire but my chest is clear. Today my throat feels super swollen, nose stuffed, and ears "squishy." Enough already thank you very much.

I'm still fighting it though (aka denial). I knew I couldn't run today. It was humid out and I'm really short of breath. I decided to go with a lighter leg workout (and a short one at that). Tomorrow I am meeting a friend after work for Group Ride (I've talked her into the torture...I mean fun) and I don't want my legs to be too sore. We were also supposed to meet my cousin and his family for lunch, kind of a last minute thing.

I started with10 minutes on the elliptical then hit the legs doing supersets of 3x8:

Stiff-legged dead lifts

Walking lunges
Calf raises

Single-leg sqauats
Plie squats with low-end pulse

I did another 5 minutes on the elliptical and called it quits.

Patio Sunday
Sometimes I feel like my weekends are just too good to be true. How do I get so lucky sometimes? Yesterday we spent the day with incredible friends, and today we spent time with my cousin and his family.  My cousin lives about 2 1/2 hours away. We actually lived together for a while in college and are very close. Definitely more like brother and sister than cousins. His wife took a temporary teaching position here, so he's in town for the week to visit.

We met up at one of our fave patio spots, an Irish pub called Dugan's. It's just relaxing and it's kid friendly - they have 2 adorable boys - so it worked out perfectly. Plus, it was a gorgeous day out. We had such a great visit. I am keeping my fingers crossed that she finds a permanent job here and that he finds one too. I would love for them to be closer.

Jason and I were fairly lazy the rest of the day. We were supposed to hit the grocery store, but that didn't happen. Instead, we sat out on our patio, listening to music and just relaxing. Plain and simple. I even stayed off the computer the entire day. It was lovely to be quite honest. I figured I did enough cleaning around the house yesterday to make up for today. I'm not sure what we'll do for dinner since we were too lazy to go to the store.

I must say that I am a bit sad that I didn't get to see my mom today (we did chat for an hour this morning though). But, we're planning on a girls' only lunch in a couple of weeks. Just mom, my sis and me. I'm going to make lunch - menu totally planned out in my head of course. It will include grilled portobellos, because I've been craving them lately ;-)

I hope that all of you moms out there had a really awesome Mother's Day (and mom's of furbabies totally count, so this is for you as well).


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