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Beach Vacation Day 6: Just Another Day - Run, Beach, Dinner

Another Treadmill Run
This morning I was up early again - before 7 (on vacation). Of course, when I get home I'll want to sleep in. After eating my usual oatmeal breakfast on the balcony - best way to enjoy oatmeal if you ask me - I headed down to the gym.

I did 2 miles then 6 x 1:00 athletic intervals, putting me at a little over 3 miles so I decided to stick with it to round out the miles to an even 4. I did have the Food Network to keep me occupied as well. It's grilling week, so not exactly anything I'd just love (lots of meat), but there have been some interesting veggie sides and marinades I could easily replicate. 

I took the 4 flights back up to the condo, as one sweaty mess. I did do some resistance band work as well. Just a little, maybe 15 minutes tops. I hit triceps, shoulders, back, and biceps. Then I stretched out and rolled on my handy Triggerpoint Kit.

Another Beach Day
Before cleaning up from my workout, I made my lunch (to eat on the beach). We packed up the cooler, grabbed the beach bag and headed out. We were down on the beach around 10:30 and stayed there until about 4. I should say that Jason took the chairs and umbrellas down to stake out "our" spot around 7:30. Everyone is starting to bring down these giant tents so prime real estate is getting scarce, gotta get down there and claim your spot quick.

It was a gorgeous day, almost no clouds in the sky. The wind was a bit brutal, but I'll take that over stagnant air any day. It helps to keep it from feeling like the 103 heat index it really was. Being under umbrellas most definitely helps as well.
Waves were hitting hard
Me and my old lady hat

Hello beach hair

Got really tired of looking at this sucker

So much better than the red crab pool

So after a tough day of sitting, reading, sitting, reading, people watching, sitting....we finally packed it up and headed back to the condo. I got cleaned up and tried to catch up on some blogs - while staring out at the ocean of course. I swear, everything is better staring out over the ocean. I can't believe tomorrow is our last day here.

Another Simple Dinner
Dinner tonight was Baked "Chorizo" Black Bean Burritos. I had picked up some soy chorizo when I spotted it on the first day here. I really like this brand (Frieda's), and can't seem to find it at home any longer. I like that they use non GMO soy and it's also gluten free so my sis could eat this with us as well.

This was a super simple recipe, I am on vacation after all. I sauteed green and red bell peppers with red onions until they began to soften then I added in the soy chorizo along with a spice blend I brought (cumin, red pepper, chili powder, black pepper, garlic powder, salt) and continued to saute until the chorizo began to crumble.
I add in some black beans (rinsed and drained) and cooked until heated through. Added to a whole-grain wrap with Daiya Vegan Cheddar Cheese and baked until browned. Simple simple. But tasty too.

This turned out really tasty actually. Love how creamy the Daiya gets. We both topped with some salsa and enjoyed eating it out on the balcony watching the ocean (of course). We spent the rest of the evening people watching, ocean watching, and even cat watching.


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