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Checking Off To Enjoy List + Grilled Tempeh & Veggie Salad

To Enjoy List Follow Up
I am loving your comments about the To Enjoy List! I am going to try to remember to do a follow up next week to see where you guys are at on your lists. I did knock off one thing from my list already - enjoy gardening. After dinner, I got outside and let the rose bushes attack me...I mean, I tried to trim them up ;-) Scratches or not, it was nice to be out there doing that sort of thing. It was hot, but it was better than sitting and watching TV or being glued to the computer.

Tonight I am adding "enjoy grilling out" to my list. 

Were you able to knock anything off your To Enjoy List?

Teaching Spin
Today I had planned to knock off another to-enjoy item - workout with my friend. We were going to meet for spin after work, but she's getting ready to go out of town and wasn't able to meet after all. So, I decided to go during lunch and just stay later at work.

I was in for a surprise. I walked in and the first thing I was asked was, "Will you teach the class?" Um, I just wanted to take today; I don't get paid to teach; I'm not certified to teach....But there was apparently no back up and I wanted a class, so there you have it. I taught spin again today. I think it was a good class. No one left during the middle of class, that's gotta be a good sign right? I know I worked hard and everyone else was in the same sweaty mess state that I was.

How do you do when thrown off guard like that? Would you take on the challenge and teach or opt for treadmill or elliptical instead? Just curious. I'm certainly don't think I'm special for taking on the challenge mind you - maybe just crazy LOL. Of course, part of me has wanted to take on teaching for quite some time, so teaching twice now has been good practice at least.

Enjoying Grilling
Adding enjoying grilling out to my to-enjoy list is kind of cheating a bit since I knew I wanted to grill out. We have lots of fresh veggies, some portobello mushrooms, and tempeh on hand. To me, this equals a Grilled Tempeh and Veggie Salad. You really can't go wrong grilling veggies for a filling dinner salad.

There really is no recipe to this of course. Just choose your favorite veggies and grill away. You can marinate them in a balsamic vinaigrette or just use the vinaigrette to top at the end. I personally love the flavors of plain jane grilled veggies.

I went with: new potatoes, portobellos, zucchini, squash, and red bell peppers. I also grilled up the tempeh (which I did marinate) and served over a bed of red leaf lettuce and spinach.

I know salads are often associated with dieting or rabbit food, but seriously, this is super filling. Pretty much the perfect summer meal for me.

Oh and while knocking "enjoy grilling" off my to-enjoy list, I also checked off another one from yesterday, "lounge in pool." Yep, as the food was on the grill, I took some time to float around and relax. Then after the food was pulled off the grill (Jason wasn't home yet) I got back in the pool for a while. Of course, while I was relaxing, Heath was digging unbeknownst to me. So pool time led to a half bath for Heath to clean his fluffy paws. Oh well, the pool time was still worth it. 


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