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Fun Facts Friday - The Non-Movie Buff

Fun Facts Friday - The Non-Movie Buff
Can I get a high five or a "hell yes" for Friday Rest Day?! Definitely ready for the rest day today. I don't think I could have cranked out one more mile, lifted one more weight, or done one more standing climb (spin class). Heck, abs seem like too much work ;-)

We don't really have anything special going on today. Just a typical Friday for us really. We're so exciting I know you're all jealous. Chances are we'll have Pizza Friday and maybe (but not likely) watch a movie. We did actually watch Phoebe in Wonderland last night. I really enjoyed that one.

...And this of course is my segue into Fun Facts Friday.

"'s Friday; you ain't got no job... and you ain't got shit to do." Ok, so that's not totally true at all, but it's one of the few movie quotes I know (from Friday).

I am not really a movie buff at all. I almost never remember the names of movies, let alone quotes - unless it's from the 80's or 90's as Jason would interject. I almost envy people who can rattle off movie quotes. I sort of feel left out to be honest. How is it that I can't remember any movie lines?

Jason, however, really enjoys watching movies - though he's not a movie quoter either thankfully. I just have a hard time sitting still for that long. It really has to grab my attention or it just seems like such a waste of time. And maybe that's it, my mind is elsewhere so I miss out on fun lines and quips.

So, for Fun Facts Friday, I thought I'd list out the movies that I actually have seen more than once, that I can quote lines from even. They may not be the best movies, definitely not all classics either, but for whatever reason, I latched onto them. Which is really kind of funny considering how I typically feel about movies.
  • Pretty Woman - Slippery little suckers (snail scene at restaurant) or I've got a runner in my pantyhose...I'm not wearing any pantyhose.
  • Friday - see quote above of course.
  • Heathers - I'll forever know the word "myriad" because of this movie.
  • Funny Farm - seriously love the scene where she eats the last apple that she said didn't exist.
  • Reality Bites - Don't boggart the
  • Pirates of the Caribbean (1-3, love me some Johnny) - RUM
So, are you a repeat movie watcher? Are you a movie quoting guru? Or, what's some cheesy movie you'll admit to rewatching???

Daily To-Enjoy List
Friday is just one big "to-enjoy" isn't it?
  • Movie with hubby (watched Phoebe in Wonderland last night)
  • Rest day (definitely enjoying this)
  • Pizza Friday
  • Pool lounging time


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