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Fun Facts Friday - Quirks

We finally made it to Friday. Even better? It's a rest day for me too. Though, I was up before the sun because someone (ahem the hubby) decided randomly to finally go to swim....on a Friday morning...after we've gotten up and run in the dawn hours twice this week.

I'm just joking really. I'm glad he hit the swim class. It's something he always enjoyed - enough to get out of bed by 5 am three days a week! Neither of us are really morning people so it's gotta be something we REALLY want to do to get up and out before the sun is up.

This morning, on the short little drive to work, the DJs were having people call in with some of their most unusual quirks. I thought that would make for a fun Fun Facts Friday list. We ALL have those little oddities that make us who we are right? Oh, yes, no denying that one. So today we've got Fun Facts Fridays - Quirks:
  • Horrible habit of picking cuticles
  • Obsessed with license plate expiration dates - can spot an out-of-date tag like it was my job
  • Numbers - hate them really, but if I start counting I can't seem to stop and will pick up at any place along the way - example running and I might start counting down seconds and even if I stop counting, I'll pick back up randomly. Make sense? Please say yes.
  • Touching clothes/objects - I'm very tactile and walk through stores touching everything. 
  • I'm also texture oriented when it comes to food - like the flavor of mangoes but hate them because they're mushy (to me). I like Granny Smith apples because of their firmness.
  • I want to be a complete neat freak - but I'm too lazy to always follow through. My closet is color organized, but I never make my bed.
  • I pretty much always have to sleep on the side of a bed nearest a bathroom. 
  • I prefer to sit in classrooms in seats nearest the door - though I'd like to be up front, I need to be near a door.
  • Movie theater seats gross me out. 
  • I won't drink out of a glass if a bug got in it, but would drink wine if my dog drank out of it. Ewwww right ;-)
Ok - your turn. What are some quirks that make

Daily To-Enjoy List
  • Date night - no Pizza Friday, going out for light apps/dinner then Arts Center event
  • Rest day - I'm all over this one


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