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More Pineapple Salsa

More Spinning
Today was a spin day for me. I've really been enjoying alternating the spin and run days. The only downfall, is that I'm having a hard time fitting in my weights unless I do a two-a-day. While two-a-days are ok, I know I can't do them all the time. I'm already burning out on them.

And of course I don't have to run 3 days or do spin 2 days. It's just that I'm enjoying those things a lot right now so that makes me want to do them. On the flip side, I still love my weights. I know that there is always talk about lifting and cardio. I want the two to go together so badly, but can they?

More Pineapple Salsa
Since we made a larger than usual batch of the Pineapple Salsa, I have been trying to think of different ways to use it - going for creativity. I thought that the spicy/sweet combo of the salsa might go really well with a blackened seasoning. I've been craving my Blackened Seitan recently.

So, last night I made some Blackened Seitan with just a few tweaks to the recipe for the vegan mayo. I used water rather than almond milk and I used apple cider vinegar rather than lemon juice (mostly because I didn't look up my original recipe). I did, however, use the same Blackened Season Blend.

I went ahead and made it last night so it could marinate in the seasonings for a day, plus it'd make for super fast dinner for this evening. I simply served the Blackened Seitan topped with the Pineapple Salsa in whole-wheat wraps.

And this being a sandwich of sorts - wraps are sandwiches right? - I had to have baked sweet potato fries (again). Please tell me I'm not the only one who has sweet potato fries two days in a row.

Gardening Cardio
Since dinner was already made, this left me with plenty of time after I got back from getting my hair done (finally, it was a mess) to play in the yard. I got down and dirty yanking out weeds and deadheading the rose bushes. I'm at war with this one particular creeping grass that is taking over my flower beds. I'm not winning, but I'm bound and determined to not give up.

The problem is that I was given tons of builder bricks (the ones with the holes in them). They were free and I thought they'd make a nice border. They do, but they don't block weeds or creeping grass. We may very well end up having to dig everything up in the fall, digging out this grass, then put up appropriate border and replant the plants. Sounds like tons of work, but it may be the only solution.

Anyway, I worked up quite a sweat so I took advantage of the pool to cool myself off. Although, it's amazing how much the pool can cool down with two days of the temps only hitting the low- to mid-80's rather than the upper 90's.  

Daily To-Enjoy List
Am I the only one still doing the to-enjoy challenge? I hope you all are joining me!!

  • Getting hair done
  • Gardening
  • Pool cool down
  • More free time in the evening


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