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No 2-a-Day Tuesday but BBQ Tempeh & Portobello Sandwiches

No Two on Tuesday
5 am came way too fast for me this morning. Jason and I were planning on what has become our typical Tuesday morning run. There was a slight chance of rain, and I was actually hoping to be woken by thunder perhaps so I could call off the run without guilt.

Alas, no rain. But thanks to the chance, the humidity was insane. It was already 85 degrees when we hit the pavement at 5:45. There was no breeze to help out with the humidity factor either. I absolutely could not stop sweating. I looked like I had just stepped out of the pool within the first 5 minutes of the run.

My legs were insanely heavy. At 2 miles in, I really thought I might cut it short for a 4-miler. But I kept on going and things seemed to click for a while. It wasn't easy peasy mind you, but I was bopping right along totally zoning out. Then my hips started to get tighter and tighter. The last half mile was fairly brutal as the wind decided to kick up. Oh now we get wind. It felt good on the skin, but not for the resistance factor.

I ended up hitting 6 miles though. I am very pleased with that. It feels good to have 6 as a base run. It gives me hope that I may be able to throw my hat into the ring for another half marathon soon (yes Jess & Jo, you know what I'm talking about). Tomorrow may end up having to be a rest day or a weights only day for me. Not sure I can manage anything that requires the use of my legs other than walking. Let's just say no 2 on Tuesday for me this week.

Happy Surprise
I love getting great mail. It just makes my day. Whether it's something I've ordered (hello new Old Navy outfit that arrived yesterday), new running shoes, a blog giveaway win, or just a nice card, I love getting personal mail.

So when I found this awesome package waiting for me on the porch at lunch, I was ecstatic. Totally made up for the fact that the day had turned dark and rainy. I won this fantastic box of goodies from the fabulous Amy at Healthy, Hungry, Happy.
It's filled with many gluten-free and vegan treats that I love:
  • 2 Apple Cinnamon Pure Organic bars-Gluten free, vegan, organic, raw
  • 2 Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Lara Bars-Gluten free, kosher
  • 2 Cranberry Almond Kind Bars- Vegan, gluten free
  • 2 Barney Butter Almond Butter packs- Gluten free, peanut free
  • 3 Raw Revolution 100 mini bars- Vegan, raw, organic
Oh and if you want to get your hands on this stash, check out her store. Thanks again Amy!

BBQ Dinner
On Sunday I did myself a big favor and really took stock of what we had on the fridge and pantry and tried to make out a meal plan for the week. On tonight's menu: BBQ Tempeh and Portobello Sandwiches with bake sweet potato fries (of course).

BBQ Tempeh and Portobello Sandwiches
1 package tempeh
1 large portobello, thinly sliced
1/2 white onion, thinly sliced
1/2 green or red bell pepper, thinly sliced
To taste: salt, pepper, minced garlic (go light because you will use BBQ sauce too)
BBQ Sauce - your favorite brand and to desired amount
1/2 cup water (approximate)
Sandwich bread/buns/thins of your choice

In large, non-stick skillet, crumble the tempeh into pan and saute along with the onions, peppers, and minced garlic for about 5 minutes. Add in the portobello mushrooms, spices, water and BBQ sauce. Cover and allow to cook until mushrooms begin to soften. Uncover to let thicken if needed.

I think I may becoming a bit addicted to BBQ sauce. And while BBQ sauce and portobellos might not sound like a winning combo, I assure you, it really is quite tasty. I will warn you, you will need extra napkins and a for for this dinner. And do you spell it portobello or portabella? Just curious, I see it both ways.

Daily To-Enjoy List
  • Morning run with the hubby
  • Not having to think about dinner (planned out the meals on Sunday)
  • Watching a movie (still undecided) 
  • Extra time in the kitchen to get food started for Saturday pool party


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