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Pool Time Recap & Layered Black Bean & Pineapple Salsa Dip

Pool Time Recap
Yesterday we had a fabulous afternoon with some of our friends. We mostly just lounged in the pool all afternoon.

Then we decided we were water logged so we snacked on some of this.

It's hard to beat lots of fresh fruit on a hot summer day. The Black Bean & Corn Salsa and Kalamata Hummus were a big hit too, along with the Peanut Butter Cranberry Cookie Balls.

Gym Time
This morning I really had to fight off the urge to run rather than hit the gym. We had a front move through so it was only about 71 degrees at 7:30. But, I knew I really needed to hit the gym instead of trying another run. So, I procrastinated for a bit before making my way to the gym for shoulders, legs, and abs.

I started with 10 minutes on the elliptical then did shoulders and legs as supersets of 3x8 unless noted.

Shoulder press
Alternating rear lunges

Upright rows
Plie with low-end pulse

Lateral raise

Rear leg elevated lunges
Calf raises - 3x15

I did some ab work then another 10 on the elliptical before stretching out and heading home for a post-workout snack.

Sunday Errands & Enjoying
After my snack, we headed to Home Depot for some plants and to look at patio tables. Then it was off to the grocery store. I rewarded my hard work with some patio lounging/reading and pool time. I mean, I deserved it right? Of course I did. We got the plants planted and then I set out to make a dip to take to our friends' Mexican Themed Dinner party tonight.

She asked if I could either do a 7-layer dip or some sort of "Mexican-ish dip." I thought I had stuff to do a layered dip, but didn't. And I should say this request came post-grocery store trip. I had bought another pineapple and decided to play off of mix I used for my Black Bean & Pineapple Quesadillas and the Pineapple Salsa. I came up with a Layered Black Bean & Pineapple Salsa Dip.

Layred Black Bean & Pineapple Salsa Dip
1 recipe for Pineapple Salsa
2 cans black beans, rinsed and drained
To taste: salt, pepper, cumin, cilantro, red pepper, chili powder, splash of OJ

Make the Pineapple Salsa and set aside. In large bowl, slightly mash the black beans then add in the seasonings.

In a glass baking dish (I used loaf pan) add in half the black bean mixture and evenly spread out and mash down. Then add a layer of half the salsa and repeat.

Tomorrow I'll report back on flavor as I couldn't exactly dig in to try without it messing up the layered dip effect.

Daily To-Enjoy List
  • Reading
  • Pool time
  • Time with friends


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