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Chicgo Day 2 - Class, Vegan Dining & Lots of Walking

Class & Lunch
I decided to use today as a rest day since we did run yesterday and walked a ton. I figured we'd do more walking today and try to scout out some running areas near the lake. I feel a little nuts being so excited about running by the lake. It just makes me smile thinking about the view. I don't care how fast or far we go even, I just plan on enjoying it.

Luckily, where our training classes are is literally two buildings over from where we're staying. So, we don't have to get up super early to get to class. We did go in earlier today so we could ensure that we all sat together (there's 3 of us). And within 5 minutes, the know-it-all was pegged. Even better, he was sitting right behind us. I felt like a kid because I so badly wanted to write a note and pass it to my coworkers regarding the guy who wouldn't shut up. But, I refrained myself. I am an adult after all (sometimes).

Also, there is a Chipotle right downstairs. We just got one back home, but none of us have tried it yet. So, that was the plan for lunch today. Plan noon, there was a line out the door. So plan B was a little deli right next door called the Halsted Street Deli. so. Nothing spectacular. We ended up having to eat in our rooms because there was not enough seating for all of us. The one downfall of my room is only one seat at the very large desk and no real table. I did use TJ's peach salsa to make my salad better. Going to have to get another jar ;-)

Vegan Dining & Walking
After class, all I wanted to do was get outside and walk. I was so tired of sitting inside. I think Jason felt the same way, so we decided to walk to Karyn's Cooked, which was about .8 miles. It was such gorgeous weather. Barely 80 degrees, no humidity, and sunny. Perfect!
We got lucky and got the last 2 seats outside.

I will admit, I printed off the menu to Karyn's Cooked and had been studying it for days. Still, it took us about 20 minutes to decide on apps: Thai Skewers and Bruschetta.

Then there was the big dinner decision. Even Jason had trouble making a decision. He wavered for a bit, but ended up getting the Green Enchiladas and I got the Jerk Tofu Wrap.

We of course sampled from each others plates. Two words: Stuffed Bellies. The food was incredible. There were so many other things we wanted to try that I think (know) we will head back over there to try some other dishes. I am so lucky to be married to someone so open when it comes to food. Yes, he eats meat, but appreciates good food period. And, he knows what it's like for me not being able to find things like this.

After stuffing our faces, we both just wanted to try to walk it all off. So off we went. And went, and walked, and walked. We made a stop at the Ghirardelli store. I'm not even a super fan of chocolate but I got excited going in there. Of course, part of it was remembering our first Chicago trip. Jason got a coffee, and I picked out a few treats for my sister. Then...back to walking.

We made our way to the lake eventually, mapping out running routes. Now, here's the kicker, all this walking was done in heels. Yep, heels. So, by the time we hit Millennium Park (a mile from our hotel), I was really really done. We finally got a bus for the last half mile. That doesn't sound like much, but after the amount of walking we did and the growing blisters we both had, the bus sounded like heaven.

So, that was Chicago Day 2 in a nutshell. Yes, I had class; Jason worked in the room. But overall, a really good day. We have so much more we want to do and see of course, but we're spreading it out somewhat. We're really trying to just soak it all in and take advantage of this opportunity to spend so much time here.

Daily To-Enjoy List
  • Walking around Chicago
  • Lake views
  • Vegan dinner


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