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Why I Run & Lentil & Quinoa Sliders

Saturday Run
This morning I ended up waking up around 6:15. I took advantage of waking up early and headed out for my run just before 7 am. It was about 75 degrees with a nice, light breeze. The humidity felt a little lower this morning too.

Since I ran 6 miles yesterday, I really was planning on just listening to how I felt today. I figured I'd max out at 6 miles and was a-ok with that. I actually didn't pay any attention to the time or my heart rate. I just ran. And it felt freaking awesome. I swear I was in the best running zone ever. I had no hip tightness either this morning.

In the end - 7.7 miles done and it really felt awesome. Runner's high like crazy. I really had to stop myself to be honest. I felt like I could have just run all day long. I love it when that happens. Guess that's what runners live for really.

I started thinking about why I run. I know we all have our own reasons of course. Mine used to be for exercise. But that's definitely not the case any longer. So...

Why I Run:
  • I can (and so many cannot)
  • It's something I never thought I could do
  • It makes me feel strong (in a different way than lifting)
  • I feel accomplished
  • It makes me feel oddly pretty (despite sweat, salt, grime, red face)
  • Runner's high (hello good friend)
  • It's "me" time
  • It makes me learn about myself (for better or worse)
  • Runner's high (yes I'm still riding that wave)
  • I feel like a true athlete

So, why do you run (or cycle, lift weights, bake, cook whatever)?

Pool Party
I do have quite a bit to get finished up today. So I'll tease you with today's events and follow up tomorrow. As I've mentioned a couple of times, we're having a pool party today. Not a huge deal, just a few other couples and my sis (well, she's a big deal). Of course I can't just serve chips and dip. I have to go a little overboard. But that's why everyone loves me right???? ;-)

The menu looks a little bit like this:

Quinoa and Lentil Sliders
Black Bean & Corn Salsa
Roasted Red Bell Pepper Hummus
Apple Pie Chickpea Cookie Balls
Red, White, Blue Sangria

Quinoa and Lentil Sliders
2 cups lentils (I used brown)
8 cups water 
1/3 cup cooked quinoa
1/4 white onion
1 carrot
1 flax eggs (1 tbsp ground flax + 3 tbsp hot water, mix and let sit until egg-like)
1/2 - 3/4 cup oat flour (ground oats)
To taste: salt, pepper, cumin, chili powder, garlic powder, liquid smoke

Preheat oven to 400 degrees.

In large pot, cook lentils in water according to directions (boil approximately 15-20 mins). Drain any excess water.

Meanwhile, pulse onion and carrot in food processor. When lentils are cooked, add them to the food processor along with seasonings. Blend until mostly smooth.

Transfer to a large mixing bowl and combine with oat flour and flax egg. Re-season if needed.

Form into small patties and bake for approximately 20 minutes then flip and bake an additional 20-25 minutes until firm.

So, do you over-do menus for parties? Make way too much food?

Daily To-Enjoy List
  • Morning run
  • Pool time with friends
  • Sister time
  • Disconnecting from computer 


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