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Fun Facts Friday - Accepting Compliments

Rest Day
Today is my rest day. I really need it at this point. Been a long week. However, I was awake a little after 5 am (thanks to my dear sweet Maddie making a ruckus). I came sooo close to getting up and going out for a run.

I knew the temps would be in the 70's so the lure was fairly big. But, I decided to do myself a favor and rest in hopes that I am able to get in a better run tomorrow. Sometimes it can be so hard to enforce the rest days. Usually it's pretty easy, but there are those rare times when your body and mind are not working on the same page.

Anyway, today I got to leave work a little early. I went to my hometown to visit my mom for a bit. She had an appointment, and she wanted me to go with her. So I drove down there for a few hours. It's always nice to start the weekend just a little bit early ;-) I personally think that Fridays should be half days anyway, but no one really asks me my opinion on such things.

Sometimes I feel like my Friday posts are rather boring. It's typically a rest day. It's pizza Friday so that's not any new exciting recipe to be posting. We've all seen pizza before. We don't typically have any super exciting plans either. Do you ever have days when you feel like your posts are lackluster? 

I wasn't exactly sure which direction to go with Fun Facts Friday. But when I was at the gym yesterday, I started thinking about compliments. I've received a few while at the gym (which is why I started thinking about them obviously). I started thinking about a recent compliment that absolutely made my day, and was probably the best compliment ever. However, I realize that I am terrible at accepting a compliment.

I think it's safe to say that most of us don't always accept compliments very well. I know that I tend to turn it around and deny any compliment. If someone tells me they like my hair, then I start in about how it's not doing right that day or some such nonsense. Why is it so hard just to accept that compliment for what it is? To smile and feel proud at that moment?

Sometimes I think that if I say, why thank you, I am loving my hair too, it makes me sound vain perhaps? Or if someone compliments me on say my arms, it's ok to be proud because I work really hard for my arms. Instead I find the flaws I see in myself. Because otherwise, again, vain. But it's not vain is it? Anyway, rambling I'll move ahead.

I started to think about times when a compliment really made me feel good, proud, happy with myself. A compliment I actually accepted rather than brushed aside. Here are a few compliments that I actually took to heart.
  • You look like an athlete - said by a cyclist right after I finished a run.
  • Man at gym: here, let me help you move the bar down. [pauses] Oh, you don't look like you need help at all do you? Me: [grin] Nope.
  • Fellow employee complimented my arms and asked how often I lifted. Then last week she said that I had inspired her to start lifting weights and she was already hitting the gym. This was probably the best compliment ever.
  • You look like a runner.
  • Man at gym when I was on treadmill: When I grow up, I want to be like you. You look so strong and lean (said in a non-creeper way).
How are you about accepting compliments? Do you brush them off, find ways to deny them? What was your best compliment? 

Daily To-Enjoy List:
  • Rest day
  • Time with my mom
  • Starting the weekend
  • Pizza Friday


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