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Fun Facts Friday - My 7 Links

Today is a much-needed rest day for me. I think part of why yesterday's workout kind of stunk (well, the running part) was because I was running low on steam. My legs are talking to me today as well, so a run would be out of the question and there isn't a spin class (which would be out of the question too actually). So, rest it is, and I'm going to enjoy it.

I had thought about doing a Fun Facts Friday post about the heat and knowing you're in the South when...kind of thing. But, last week I was tagged by three lovely ladies (Kris @ Spabettie Tracie @ Commit to Fit and Tina @ Faith Fitness Fun) to do a 7 Links post. I have put it off too long (been way overthinking it). So, for Fun Facts Friday - My 7 Links

The Goal
To unite bloggers (from all sectors) in a joint endeavor to share lessons learned and create a bank of long but not forgotten blog posts that deserve to see the light of day again.

The Rules
1)     Blogger is nominated to take part

2)     Blogger publishes his/her 7 links on his/her blog – 1 link for each category.
  • Your most beautiful post
  • Your most popular post
  • Your most controversial post
  • Your most helpful post
  • A post whose success surprised you
  • A post you feel didn’t get the attention it deserved
  • The post that you are most proud of
3)     Blogger nominates up to 5 more bloggers to take part.

I must say, this was very difficult for me. I know I probably over-thought it of course. I rarely ever look at the analytics for my blog to be honest. I had no clue what post might have been most popular, the one I thought wasn't actually.

Then I started just skimming through posts. Wow, I don't really say much that's earth-shattering, insightful, or even that whitty. I just ramble on about my workouts and recipes. I do cook a lot I realized. I read so many inspiring blogs. So much wisdom and motivation. Now I wonder why you guys keep coming back LOL. Anyway, I did my best to follow through with this tag. Maybe you guys can fill in the blanks for me.

Most Beautiful Post

I chose my 10-year wedding anniversary post for this one - Fun Facts Friday - 10 Years Ago.

Most Popular
This one surprised me. It was just a recap of a day at the lake from last summer. Maybe it was the bikini shots ;-)

Most Controversial
Honestly clueless. Again, I rarely say anything that would rock the boat.

Most Helpful
I had a hard time trying to figure out what you guys might deem as a helpful post. I decided to go with the post about My Home Gym. It wasn't necessarily a popular post, but I thought it was helpful to show that you can indeed get good results working out at home.

Surprise Success
I think my Fun Facts Friday posts (especially based around running or ranting) are sort of a surprise success. I love love all the fun comments I get though!

Didn't get enough attention
I thought this one might have attracted more attention than it did - The History of Me - Why I Move - maybe it was because it was a lengthy post. And also the to-enjoy challenge.

Most proud

For me this is being proud of an accomplishment no so much the post itself. It was my post recapping my first half marathon.

So many of you have already been tagged, so rather than tag anyone, I would love for you to share a link to your blog for one of these categories.

Daily To-Enjoy List:
  • Rest day
  • Pizza Friday


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