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Running, Lifting & Chipotle Tempeh & Mushroom Enchiladas

Intervals & Weights
I had my alarm set for 5:15 this morning with high hopes for a cool run. That was thwarted by storms that rolled in at 3:30 and didn't move out until long after I was already at work (and then they just kept coming and going throughout the day).

Poor Heath Man was up of course as soon as the storms hit. So, I've been up since 3:30 as well. I went ahead and packed my gym bag with me, but also packed my water bottle just in case the weather cleared up and I could run after work.

I kept watching the hourly forecast though, and it was promising. I decided to go ahead and hit the gym and do an interval treadmill run. I need to remember that shorter runs are part of good training just as much as the long, steady-state runs are. I've gotten into a habit of thinking that running means 6 miles or more. I know that's crazy (I've warned you that I'm crazy though).

So, I tried to psych myself up for the treadmill run. 3 miles, totally doable. Intervals, meaning time goes quickly. Tough, but short.

I ran 1 mile as a warm up at 9:13 min mile.
2 x 2:00 minute intervals (8:20 run with 9:31 recover)
4 x 1:00 minute intervals (8:20 run with 9:31 recover)
I ran the remainder of the mileage at 9:13 pace to continue to recover and round out the mileage to 3.

After the run, I hit the weights. I went with chest and legs, starting with chest to let the running legs relax.

Chest flye into chest press - 3x8
Chest press - 3x8
Pushups with toes on bench - TF (20)

SS#1 - 3x8
Squats with low-end pulse
Plie squats

Alternating lunges
Calf raises

I didn't want to do a long, hard leg workout. I know that I worked my legs doing the interval runs, so I kept it short. I did some ab exercises then stretched and called it done.

My gym is on the 29th floor of one of the downtown buildings. It has amazing views that overlook the river and you can see into the west of the city and surrounding mountains. Another cool thing is that you can really see storms rolling in.

At one point, it looked like it was clearing up. I was then really ticked that I had wasted a cooler weather day in the gym. But then I looked west and saw the cloud of storms heading back in. Ok, justified after all ;-)

Do you ever second guess your workout plans in terms of should have done x vs y or outside vs inside?

Tempeh Thursday
We had several types of mushrooms that needed to be used up (went a little overboard buying since they were on sale). I decided to use them make enchiladas as we've not had them in ages.

I love chipotle peppers and thought the smoky flavor would go well with the milder flavors of the mushrooms. Tempeh seemed like the appropriate, mild-flavored protein choice for the flavor combinations.

Chipotle Mushroom & Tempeh Enchiladas
5-6 whole-wheat tortilla wraps
Daiya Vegan Cheese (or cheese of your choice)

1/2 white onion, thinly sliced
1/2 green bell pepper, thinly sliced
1/2 red bell pepper, thinly sliced
1-2 tbsp minced garlic
Mushrooms of your choice, sliced (I used both button and portobello mushrooms)
1 package tempeh
To taste: salt, pepper, red pepper, chili powder, cumin, liquid smoke (optional)

Minced onions (to desired amount, maybe 1/8 cup)
1 can diced tomatoes (with juice, no salt preferably)
8 oz tomato sauce
1 tbsp minced garlic
1 dried chipotle pepper, finely chopped (or fresh in adobo sauce)
To taste for sauce: salt, pepper, cumin, agave nectar, cilantro

Preheat oven to 400 degrees.

In large skillet, saute onions, peppers, garlic until onions begin to soften. Add in the mushrooms and crumble in the tempeh. Allow the mushrooms to soften, then add in the spices and continue to cook until mushrooms and onions are soft.

Meanwhile, in a medium saucepan, saute onions and garlic until onions are soft then stir in remaining ingredients and allow to simmer and thicken.

Spray a casserole dish with non-stick spray or olive oil. Spoon mushroom mixture into center of wraps and sprinkle with Daiya. Roll tight and place seam-side down in pan. (I probably stuffed mine more like a burrito, so very full).

Bake in oven for about 10 minutes to allow the tops to slightly brown then remove from oven and pour the sauce over the top. Return to oven and cook another 15-20 minutes.

If you like heat, this is the dish for you. Of course, it does depend on the chipotle peppers used. We found a local brand of dehydrated peppers that are nice and spicy. One pepper goes a long way. The creamy texture of the Daiya is a nice addition to the textures and flavors. This is definitely a repeat recipe.

Daily To-Enjoy List:
  • Trying out new recipe
  • Cooler temps
  • Reading 
  • Catching up on Big Brother


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