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12 Miles & Time with Mom

Digging Deep
Oh 12 miles - you tried to beat me today, but I won...barely.

It was about 70 degrees and sunny when I started my run. The humidity was up there though, so I was sweating like a fool fairly early on. But I was in a good mood, enjoying my music, enjoying the fresh air. The farther I headed in one direction, the darker it started getting. I really thought it was going to start pouring down, but would have been just peachy with that actually.

The clouds were welcome today as they helped keep the temps down, which was perfect. There was a fairly steady breeze that also helped keep it cooler for the long run. I took the same route as last week, so I knew exactly where I could stop and refill my water and then take my gel before making it back by my car to again refill my water bottle.

The first 9 miles were pretty good. I just sort of zoned out and zipped on along. But that's where the fun stopped. My piriformis and sciatica started to get the best of me. Mentally, I was good, despite the pain. It really was boiling down to my body not cooperating today. I almost cut the run short at 11 miles, but was hell bent on finishing what I had started - 12 miles.

The run was mostly good, only partially bad. It's runs like this that teach you to dig deep. It teaches you that you're probably tougher than you think as well. I had to force myself to believe that I could finish the 12 miles. And yes, my hip was hurting, but I knew it wasn't something serious like my IT Band. I knew I could finish the run as long as I didn't talk myself out of it. So I didn't. Sometimes you have to be uncomfortable in life and the same goes with running. I guess the caveat should be: as long as you're not injuring yourself of course.

I got home and spent extra time on the Triggerpoint Kit and stretching. This was the one time when I actually thought briefly about an ice bath. However, I'm too much of a wimp for that!

Family Time
My mom and her new husband came up for a visit. This meant I actually had to get dressed and not be a total bum post-run. We went to a restaurant that we often go to when she and my sister come for a visit - Canon Grill. It's just a nice little relaxing restaurant, no frills, just relaxing.

We had a really great visit over lunch, then we headed back to our house and visited for a while longer before they had to head back home. I love living where we do, and have no desire to move back to my hometown. However, I soooo miss being able to spend time with my mom like this.

I had hoped to get more done around the house. But, I'm going to use the long run as an excuse to sit on the couch with my feet propped up (maybe some ice involved) and be lazy for this last bit of my weekend.

Daily To-Enjoy List:
  • Long run (mostly good, learning experience)
  • Time with my mom
  • Relaxing


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