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Fun Facts Friday - Flirting Means Take Me to ER

Not only is it Friday, but it's also a much-needed rest day for me! How can you top that off? How about a 3-day weekend to look forward too. Not entirely sure of the plans for the weekend. The AR Razorbacks have their first game tomorrow (not that I'm really super excited about this as I'm not a football girl). A friend is ordering it on Pay-Per-View so I have a feeling that's what well be doing tomorrow evening.

Other than that, hoping for some major pool time, and I have intentions of being productive around the house. I have some decor projects I'd like to finish up (or even start for that matter). And 3-day weekends are good for projects.

The other day my friend Jolene sort of reminded me of a funny story. I only told her a tiny blurb of it, but I thought I might share the details for Fun Facts Friday.

If I Flirt - I Need to go to the ER

About 5 years ago I scored on a sweet pair of roller blades. They were in the 100+ dollar range, and I got them for a mere $6. Sometimes having tiny feet can be a good thing. My first roller blades were actually children's. Jason had bought them for me for Christmas one year. The wheels weren't the best so any pebble sent me to a screeching halt. In other words, I never wanted to use them.

Anyway, Jason really enjoys roller blading. I thought it sounded like a grand idea now that I had my new blades. It was a nice day. I thought it'd be a fun way to spend time together and get in a little bit of exercise (this was long before we started running together). I put on all of my pads: knees and wrist guards. Then we set out on part of the river trail, mostly flat. I was getting fairly comfortable and able to pick up a little speed, nothing too scary though (I'm a big chicken).

I really didn't know the trail at all, so I just followed Jason who would zip ahead, circle back and repeat. I know I looked like a toddler just learning to walk. Very uncoordinated, unsteady, and flat out silly. Cyclists zipped past me, runners even zipped past me, but I kept on going building up confidence.

Since it had been so long since we had been roller blading, Jason had re-schooled me in stopping properly. In other words, not spinning around to stop but actually using the stopper on the back. I had practiced a few times, especially when I thought I was going too fast. Eventually the trail changed a bit, more curves, a few dips. Then it all went downhill - literally.

We came up to a monstrous looking hill that had a sharp left curve at the bottom that shot you out over a wooden bridge. Jason was flying along then I saw him start to try to slow down. I knew if he was slowing down, I had to do the same. So, downhill, I lean back too much when I try to slow down using the heel stopper.

I remember hearing my head hit the ground, but no pain (and no, no helmet). I was really annoyed that my stupid knee pads weren't of any use. But thank GOD for the wrist guards that prevented two broken wrists. My first thought was, "crap, broke my sunglasses" as I saw them across the path. Then my next thought, "gotta get off the trail so I don't get run over." I rolled to my left and crawled to the edge.

I remember suddenly feeling a wave of heat and nausea. Choir teachers always said to put your head between your knees when you started getting dizzy. I was already on the ground so I couldn't really put my head between my knees, but I sure gave it a valiant effort before passing out cold.

I came too hearing Jason calling my name. I couldn't figure out why he sounded so panicked. Then I remembered as I tried to move. Oh, and then there were all the cyclists who had stopped. Embarrassing. Yep, that was what I was most concerned about - my dignity. They were all so incredibly helpful giving me their water, pouring water over my neck to cool me down, even calling 9-1-1.

When I realized the paramedics were on the way, I started to freak out. NOOOOO, I'm fine, fine, perfectly fine. I promise. Disregard the huge knot on my head, the blood on my shirt, the growing bump on my back (right at the ribs).

And by now your probably thinking, "this is funny?" I'm getting there, I promise ;-)

So the ambulance arrives having made it's way down this non-motor vehicle path, so the spectacle was exacerbated of course. They rush over to me and start to feel around, asking me questions, all that. Jason recapped the fall, how long he thought I was out. Then it happened, I started to flirt with the paramedics.

Flat out, full on flirting. Giggling, trying to be funny and witty. It was like I was someone else. I don't know what came over me and couldn't stop once I started. I was hell bent on not going to the freaking ER. So I figured if I joked around and sounded completely lucid, then they'd let me go on my merry way. I went so far as to spell out my last name, pointing out that I had to be fine if I could spell a name like that - wink...giggle. Oh funny girl.

So my plan worked, but then I had to also be cutesy to get a ride back to the car rather than walking barefoot or roller blading back (God forbid). In the end, I did have a concussion and fairly certain cracked ribs at the very least. Yes, I should have gone to the ER. Jason realized that shortly after getting me home of course.

So the moral of the story - when I flirt, I need to go to the ER.

Oh and I avoided that part of the trail until training for the half marathon. Um, that monstrous hill, embarrassingly it's barely a bump.

So, no it's your turn to share something funny, silly, or embarrassing. 

Daily To-Enjoy List:
  • Happy hour with Jason
  • Pizza Friday
  • Rest Day


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