Rest Day & Running Thoughts
Happy Friday and Happy Rest Day! My legs are feeling yesterday's workout in new places. Which means that I did good with the exercises I chose. Gotta strengthen the weak areas right? Now I'm just hoping they don't get more sore throughout the day as I have an 11-miler on tap for tomorrow.
Just thinking about running 11....11 long makes me both nervous and excited. Last week I did 10.5. And they were great. But what if tomorrow ends up being a crappy run? My allergies have been going nuts this week, so that worries me. At least it's not supposed to be terribly hot.
And while I'm nervous, I'm also really excited to be back in the double digits. There is definitely a feeling of pride when you start to add up those miles, not going to lie. I used to just think anyone who ran over 7 or 8 miles was just crazy. I mean really, why the hell would anyone do that. Now I'm that person. Now people look at me and think I'm crazy (well, I am but that's beside the point).
Do you get nervous when you are working towards a very set, specific goal like increasing miles or maybe increasing weights?
Fun Facts Friday - Kitchen Gadgets
While just talking about running would have been a great segue into one of my Fun Facts Friday ideas, I thought I'd go a different direction today. I do quite a few fun facts about working out, running, etc.
Since I've been spending more time in the kitchen this week being creative, I thought I'd share some of my favorite kitchen gadgets - many of them I even questioned buying to being with because I thought they were silly or a waste of money.
Daily To-Enjoy List:
Happy Friday and Happy Rest Day! My legs are feeling yesterday's workout in new places. Which means that I did good with the exercises I chose. Gotta strengthen the weak areas right? Now I'm just hoping they don't get more sore throughout the day as I have an 11-miler on tap for tomorrow.
Just thinking about running 11....11 long makes me both nervous and excited. Last week I did 10.5. And they were great. But what if tomorrow ends up being a crappy run? My allergies have been going nuts this week, so that worries me. At least it's not supposed to be terribly hot.
And while I'm nervous, I'm also really excited to be back in the double digits. There is definitely a feeling of pride when you start to add up those miles, not going to lie. I used to just think anyone who ran over 7 or 8 miles was just crazy. I mean really, why the hell would anyone do that. Now I'm that person. Now people look at me and think I'm crazy (well, I am but that's beside the point).
Do you get nervous when you are working towards a very set, specific goal like increasing miles or maybe increasing weights?
Fun Facts Friday - Kitchen Gadgets
While just talking about running would have been a great segue into one of my Fun Facts Friday ideas, I thought I'd go a different direction today. I do quite a few fun facts about working out, running, etc.
Since I've been spending more time in the kitchen this week being creative, I thought I'd share some of my favorite kitchen gadgets - many of them I even questioned buying to being with because I thought they were silly or a waste of money.
- Coffee grinder - I use this several times a week to grind oats for oat flour or cashews to use in cream sauce, also to grind my flax seeds. And to think I put off spending 20 bucks because I thought it was a waste of money.
- Mandoline - We bought a cheaper one because I wasn't sure I'd use it, and I love it. Of course, I like things to be uniformly cut so that would make perfect sense in my world.
- Bread machine - I think I'm one of the only people who actually uses their bread machine on a weekly basis. Love it.
- Pizza stone(s) - I have 2 because I use them so often.
- Food processor - wish I had 2, perhaps one small and then my regular sized one. I often use it multiple times for a single dish.
- Electric wok - absolutely love it for stir fry dishes. Heats up quickly too.
- Crockpot/Slow cooker - ended up starting to use our old one so often we upgraded to one with a timer.
Daily To-Enjoy List:
- Friday - enough said
- Rest day
- Happy hour with friends (hopefully on patio)
- Pizza Friday (gotta use that bread machine and pizza stone right?)
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