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Fun Facts Friday - Finding Inspiration

Shoulders & Boxing
Well, today is not Rest Day Friday since I ended up resting on Wednesday. I didn't do anything earth-shattering though. I had thought about maybe an easy 2-3 mile run and shoulders, but decided against running since I have a long run on tap for tomorrow.

Instead I just went home and did shoulders then Cathe's MMA Boxing DVD, which I haven't done in ages. For shoulders, I went with a giant set of 3x8 and tried out a new exercise too. Ouch.

Cuban press*
Lateral raise
Front raise

*I originally watched the slower version of the exercise and it looked more like an upright row started the rep each time, so that's what I did. So I think I made it even harder, but hopefully just as effective. Loved the moved.

I followed up shoulders with the boxing workout and half of the abs workout at the end of the DVD. It was really kind of fun doing something I haven't done in so long. Plus, punching around is just fun anyway.

Fun Facts Friday - Finding Inspiration
I really wasn't sure what I wanted to do for Fun Facts Friday. I had a few ideas, but nothing that just spoke to me (in other words, nothing that I thought you guys would care to read). I thought I might share some really random, and perhaps embarrassing facts about myself. you're intrested huh ;-)

But, I got a message from someone today that changed my mind last minute. I have been told that I inspire some people. This is very humbling for me. I don't feel inspiring by any means. I just do what I do. The fact that I can inspire someone really makes me feel think about what I do, say, how I act even. You never know who you are affecting and in what ways with the words you say or your actions.

I thought I might share what inspires me most from others:
  • Honesty - it's some I highly value and respect.
  • True compassion - I believe I am compassionate, but probably could be more so.
  • Selflessness - because sometimes I feel extremely selfish.
  • Trying - I really respect those who just try. I think maybe because I don't always go for it like I'd like.
  • Perseverance - those people that stick to something, they work their asses off and achieve their dreams and goals. They don't throw in the towel when the going gets tough.
So to be inspirational, I don't think you have to be the fastest runner, have the most kick-ass body, be the smartest, wittiest, etc. Sometimes it's that person struggling to walk a full mile that is truly the most inspiring.

What inspires you in others?

Daily To-Enjoy List:
  • Fun workout
  • Happy hour with friends
  • Pizza Friday


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