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Gym, Errands & Lazy Sunday

I wish I could run 13 and 14 miles every day because despite how hard it is, I sure sleep like a log that night. I crashed out hard at 9 last night and slept until 8:20 this morning! I think I only got up twice during the night, which is like not getting up at all in my book.

It was a rainy, dreary start to the morning. No motivation at all. But, I needed to get myself to the gym and just get moving. Jason actually went with me. Huge shocker. He did his thing and I did mine, but it was still nice having him up there with me.

I started with 15 minutes on the elliptical. Surprisingly, my legs are not sore at all after yesterday's 14-miler. The only thing hurting is still my sciatica. Anyway, I did the elliptical then hit the weights for shoulders and biceps. I did supersets of 3x8 and finished with some ab work.

Standing shoulder press
Alternating bicep curls

Lateral raise
Hammer curls

Front raise - pull into chest (not a clue what these are called)
Cross-body curls

I really felt the shoulders today and have a feeling the biceps will be talking back to me tomorrow.

Errands & Lazy Afternoon
After the gym, we made a quick grocery store trip, then back home. We should have behaved and made lunch at the house, but, we didn't. It was gray and yuck out and it just seemed like a better idea to get out of the house instead. So, we hit up Vino's for pizza (re-carbing from yesterday right??). Oh I did get to meet my friend Jenny's (from Vegan and So Forth) sister. That was kind of cool - too bad Jenny wasn't there though (ahem we need to have lunch again!).

Jason wanted to hit up Target after lunch. I did not. So, he was the good guy and went to Target while I washed more laundry and made some seitan. Oh, and painted my nails too. I have been seeing some gray nails on Pinterest and had it in my head that I "had" to find gray polish. I found some O.P.I. for Sephora on Friday (Break a Leg Warmer) and finally had time to redo my nails today. LOVE IT.

While Jason was at Target, he also picked up the latest Pirates of the Caribbean movie. He knows how much I love Johnny Depp ;-) So, that's our Sunday in a nutshell: workout, errands, lunch, movie time. Might not be super exciting, but definitely enjoyable.

Daily To-Enjoy List:
  • Relaxing lunch
  • Time in the kitchen
  • Painting nails
  • Watching movie with hubby
  • Being in PJs by 3:30


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