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Running, Shopping, Food Truck Festing

Shorter Long Run
Last night our temps dropped into the low 50's, so when I headed out for my shorter, long run today, it was a brisk 54 degrees. Considering it was mid 90's on Thursday, this felt frigid. Plus it was fairly breezy, especially along the river.

Needless to say, I started off with a long shirt and shorts. By mile 5.5, I made a quick stop to refill my water and shed the shirt though. I tried to tie it tighter around my waist, but it felt loose and annoyed the snot out of me the rest of the run. Oh...and snot...lots of it. My allergies are really acting up. I've been waking up with my eyes feeling glued shut the past few mornings. And while I'm not feeling really stuffy exactly, during the run, my nose was running faster than I was.

Also, my asthma is starting to act up. So breathing kind of sucked for the first half of the run. My lungs felt shredded, and I was having a hard time just breathing normally. But, once I finally found a good rhythm all the way around, the run turned into a fantastic run.

The weather was simply gorgeous. Not a cloud in the bright blue skies. I was pretty much grinning like a fool from about 5 miles on. This week was a back off week and I was really only supposed to do 4 miles today (5 4-mile runs totally 20 for the week). But I changed that all up (of course). Today I was planning on 8, but it ended up being 8.8. And honestly, I felt like I could have easily zipped on along for another 2 or 3 miles. But, I behaved and stopped myself. For the next 3 long runs, I'm supposed to be doing 13-miles. So, I knew I needed to save the double-digits for next week.

Shopping Date
I got home and quickly cleaned up for my shopping date. My sister was bringing my niece, A, to meet me in a city about halfway between where we live. They have a decent shopping center with Kohls, Target, Old Navy and such. A will be 7 years old on the 14 and my sis thought that it would be really special if we went shopping just the two of us for her birthday gift.

She wanted to go to Target, and who am I to deny her a Target trip? I thought we might shop a little longer than we did. But she had obviously been planning this one out. We're soooo very much related LOL. She knew exactly what she wanted and where it was. She led me straight to the toy department, directly to My Little Ponies.

A is very conscious about money, and asked how much she had to spend and then asked how much each of the items cost. I thought she was about to go for a few smaller items, but she ended up settling on just one larger item. Don't ask me what it was other than a My Little Pony set, lots of purple happening.

She is really a good little shopping buddy (she kind of had to learn that with my sis) and obliged me in looking through some of the workout clearance clothes. I found a pair of shorts and shirt, so I was a happy Auntie with one happy niece.

Sarah got a picture of me and A then A took a picture of me and C (who was stuck have to shop with his mom in Kohls the whole time).

Food Truck Flop
Next on tap was the Little Rock Food Truck Festival with some friends. It was being held just down the street. We really didn't know what to expect (hello event planners, websites with info are so awesome please use them).

Unfortunately, the trucks were all serving full menus. Ideally, they should have served small portion so people could taste from various vendors. Also, they didn't have any sort of sign or brochure listing all of the trucks - that could have been really handy. Of course, no one asked me.

Jason waited in one line for an Indian truck for about 45 minutes that pretty much only moved because people left the line. There was one vegetarian truck, but they sold out as did the only pizza truck (darn it). At least it was a gorgeous day out though.

We did end up going to a place that had a patio for a few appetizers and drinks before calling it a day/evening. Now it's PJ time at the Iacobacci-Miller household. Tomorrow we have a lot of house chores to catch up on.

Daily To-Enjoy List:
  • Running
  • Shopping with niece
  • Time with friends
  • Gorgeous weather


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