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Spaghetti Sauce & Squash on a Super Productive Sunday

Weights & Short Run
This morning I got up and hit the gym around 9:30. It's almost always completely empty at that time on a Sunday. The only foul was that the freaking heat was on. Granted, it was barely 50 degrees this morning, but the heat in a gym???? Never. Anyway, let's just say I got in a good sweatfest ;-)

I warmed up for 15 minutes on the elliptical then moved on to weights. On tap was biceps, back, chest & abs.

SS#1 - 4x8
Incline curls
Hammer curls

SS#2 - 4x8
Underhand barbell rows

SS#3 - 3x8
Chest flye into chest press

I did some ab work then headed home for an easy, 2-mile run around the neighborhood. I was supposed to hit 20 miles this week, this put me at 21. I totally could have skipped it of course. However, it was just way too gorgeous out for me to not get out for a short run.

To-Do List & Spaghetti Sunday
After my workout and a recovery snack, I started knocking things off my to-do list. I got my car washed inside and out. I primed the patched ceiling area, started laundry, and dusted.

I took a brief break when Jason got back from his long run for lunch. We went to a pizza place we enjoy near our house called Vino's. Great people watching. When we got home, it was back to work. Because the ceilings are too high for me to reach all the way to the top to neatly cut in for the paint, Jason took care of that. With the priming I could be sloppy. Not so much with real color.

While he painted, I made some seitan, whole-wheat French bread, and did more loads of laundry. It felt good to be so productive actually. Totally made up for any previously lazy Sundays ;-)

For dinner, I made a homemade (family recipe) spaghetti sauce. Originally I was going to do a lentil bolognese, but realized I was low on the lentils. Oops. For the Plan B version, I planned on Quorn "meatballs" for the protein. I thought we had half a package in the freezer. Um...not so much. So now it was Plan C. I used Gardein Chik'n Scallopini patties for the protein. I seared them in the pan then just added on top of the dish and sprinkled with Daiya Vegan Mozzarella Cheese.

I'll admit that I normally don't splurge on the fancy tomatoes. But decided to try the Cento brand for this batch. Usually I make huge batches (like many many gallons) at once and jar as we give the sauce for holiday gifts and keep on hand for the rest of the year. But for this small, personal batch, I wanted to see if the different tomatoes made a difference.

I served over spaghetti squash with a side of the freshly made bread and a small salad.

Daily To-Enjoy List:
  • Weights
  • Short run
  • Gorgeous weather
  • Checking off the to-do list
  • Relaxing evening


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