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Unplanned Rest Day & Balsamic Stone-Ground Mustard Tofu

Rest Day
Well, today ended up being an unplanned rest day for me. Honestly, I was feeling a bit blue today and the thought of running or doing any workouts just made it worse. Normally it'd be the opposite for me. But I think my body was telling me to chill out and rest up.

Today's run was supposed to be a 6-mile tempo run. So definitely not an easy or relaxing type of run. And if I was already feeling fatigued, then I knew the run would suffer big time. So, rest up and recharge and get back to it tomorrow is the plan.

I actually ended up leaving work at noon. I was just that blah/blue/yuck feeling. And no worries, I'll be fine of course. We all have those days. Sinuses acting up so giving me a headache, no desire to workout at all, just an off day.

Kitchen Therapy
When I got home, I immediately put on comfy clothes and started cleaning (aka throwing out junk). I did some purging of junk that had collected in our office as well. Kind of made me feel better to be getting rid of unnecessary crap actually.

I also made a recipe I've been eying - SpaBettie's Tomato Basil Beanballs. The recipe is SO simple and so incredibly full of flavor. The only changes I made were to add in some fresh oregano, garlic, and chili pepper flakes. Other than that, I just followed her recipe and tips/tricks and they came out  fantastic.
Oh....But, that's not we had for dinner. I made those to use for tomorrow night's dinner. I also made up some black bean burgers while I was at it. I love being productive in the kitchen. I find it very therapeutic. So I suppose that's why I made yet another dish for tonight. I made Balsamic and Stone-Ground Mustard Tofu with Sauteed Kale and Sweet Potatoes.

For the tofu, I pressed then dry seared before marinating in a mix of balsamic vinaigrette, stone-ground mustard, and splash of OJ. Super simple mix. I let that marinate in the fridge for several hours before baking at 400 degrees until crisp.

For the kale, I simple diced one sweet potato and nuked for 4 minutes. I added that to a pan with white onion and a bit of salt and pepper to begin to saute. I then added in no-salt vegetable broth and some white wine and the kale. I covered to let the kale begin to steam and wilt down. I did add just a drizzle of agave, but that's completely optional. I also added in a pinch of ground red pepper and some garlic powder.

After the kale had wilted down and potatoes were mostly done, I uncovered to let any liquid sort of steam/cook out.

I served with some homemade wheat French bread and used leftover marinade to drizzle over the tofu.

Daily To-Enjoy List:
  • Kitchen time
  • Mental health time
  • Sunshine
  • Rest day (better pay off tomorrow darn it)
  • Catching up on TV shows


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