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Challenging 11-Mile Run

Challenging Long Run
Yesterday was supposed to clear up and become sunny. That never happened, and apparently it carried over into today. Supposed to be sunny, but completely gray and dreary looking out when I woke up. Definitely not inviting running weather, especially when it was cool and I was already feeling lazy.

So I pretty much piddled and procrastinated as long as I could. I almost ended up going to the gym even. But, the sun started to show itself around 11, so I decided I didn't have any real excuse left not to go out for a run. Of course, the minute I pulled into the parking lot at the Big Dam Bridge, the sun disappeared and the wind started kicking up. Nice.

It was about 55 degrees when I set out for my run. Typically I've been wearing capris running pants and a short bra top at that temp. Today I thought I'd wear shorts and a new short sleeved top I had bought recently. It was chilly when I got going, and that was fine because I knew I'd warm up. And I was sweating, but my legs were frozen the whole time. I think it must have been because the wind was cool rather than a warm wind.

My legs were a little heavy still from Thursday's leg workout, but once I got going, they felt fine. In fact, for the first 7 miles, I felt pretty darn good. The only real downfall was that it was cloudy and windy has hell. There were times when I almost laughed out loud because I really questioned if I was in fact moving forward.

But, the leaves are changing so the colors were incredible. I tried to distract myself with my music and the scenery. That worked until I stopped to refill my water and take my GU at mile 7. Then my legs decided to revolt. Suddenly, that leg workout came back to haunt me along with severe sciatic pain.

I got to my last 2 mile marker and seriously wanted to just stop. I don't know that I've ever wanted to just be done more than today. I felt like a big baby - just wanted to stop, sit down and throw a fit basically. So frustrated with the whole hip pain situation, with heavy feeling legs, all of it. It just really got in my head right then. But I had 2 miles before I could get to my car. Either walk, run, or crawl right?

I did stretch at that point and then just finished what I started. It hurt, I was tired, sweaty, cold. But I finished and that's what matters. It wasn't the worst run ever, but it certainly was tricky because I started letting it all get in my head and that's when things go downhill with a run.

The sun did finally come out in full at the end of my 11-mile run. So I suppose that was my reward ;-)

Errands and Couch Time
I got home and stretched and rolled out for a while before getting cleaned up. Jason had been doing some stuff around the house and had not stopped to make himself lunch. Since we were both starved, we ended up going out for a really late lunch. We shouldn't have of course, but it was nice to be out of the house and enjoy a nice, relaxed conversation over lunch

We ran a few errands, then it was back to the house, and straight into the PJs. I did some rearranging of kitchen drawers/cabinets, and lots of laundry, but other than that...mostly we sat on the couch (dogs included, apparently they had a rough day) and watched some tv. Jason's main goal for the evening is to watch the Razorback game. My goal is to just occupy myself during the game. So who knows how many more cabinets might get rearranged tonight ;-)

Daily To-Enjoy List:
  • Long run (pros/cons to that one)
  • Sunshine (at least it finally showed itself)
  • Relaxing lunch
  • Semi-productive with chores
  • Relaxing


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