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More Spin & Leftovers Turned into Soup

More Spinning
While today was sunny, and perfect running temps in the upper 50's (perfect in my book anyway), we had gusting winds of 20+ mph. Um, not only is that a bad hair day, it's a bad running day. I wasn't in the mood for wind resistance training thankyouverymuch.

So, I hit spin once again. Man my legs are hating me after three spin days in a row. I know it's not the same as a true weight workout, but it's pretty harsh on the legs if you really work hard. And I'm a "go big or go home" girl so that means work hard, crank that resistance and sweat like a man.

I will admit to feeling a bit down this morning. I think it's that we've had gloomy weather, and I haven't been able to be outside and enjoy the fresh air - in other words, no running. I feel like a kid who's been grounded from my Atari (ok, so it's like PlayStation or XBox now).

If we weren't having gale force winds today, I would have run in a heartbeat. It's really tough sitting inside working out and looking out at beautiful clear skies, seeing all the fall colors at their best. But I will say, the group environment and instructor really helped boost my mood. While class is tough, sweat dripping everywhere, we still manage to laugh. Laughter always makes you feel better right?

Do you ever start to feel like you're mourning a workout when you're not able to do that particular workout for a few days or longer?

Leftovers Turned into Stew
Since I spent quite a bit of time in the kitchen with last night's dinner AND we had lots leftover, I decided to repurpose it for tonight. I took the leftover Roasted Kabocha and Beets Kale and Wheatberry Salad and turned it into a soup.

Since everything was already cooked, this made dinner super fast, and obviously easy. It was a cold evening, so the soup was an ideal choice, especially served with homemade bread.

I didn't want the veggies to cook much more, so I brought no-salt vegetable broth to a boil first then added in the leftovers. I re-seasoned and dinner was served.

I was actually really pleased with how this turned out as a soup. In fact, I think I enjoyed it better as a soup.

Daily To-Enjoy List:
  • Fun spin class 
  • Easy dinner
  • Time to paint nails
  • Relaxing on couch


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