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Friends, Family, Laughter, Love

Friends & Laughter
I must start off saying that I feel so behind right now on blog reading. The past few days have been filled to the brim, but in a good way. I have been enjoying so much time with family and friends. Yesterday afternoon we ended up meeting up with our BFF couple and another friend before my friend, Lindsey, made it into town.

We left the first place, a pizza place aptly named Damgoode Pie, then headed to our favorite local hangout. I've mentioned it before, it's an Irish Pub called Dugan's. We scored seats by the fireplace, my fave spot in the place of course ;-)
I had so much fun visiting and catching up with Lindsey. I just hate that friends have to move away to different cities as we grow up. It definitely makes you appreciate the time you do have together that much more. Plus, I suppose I do have very valid reasons to visit Atlanta. Maybe a spring trip?

Family Day
Anyway, it was an incredible day and night filled with enough laughter to make me congested (anyone else with asthma know what I'm talking about?). Today is going to be another extremely busy and full day for us. We will be heading to our hometown to visit everyone.

First stop will be a late-ish lunch with a brunch menu at my sisters to celebrate with her, her kiddos, my mom and her husband. On the menu will be a fruit salad, two types of frittatas, bagels, and I think my mom was going to try to make a gluten-free coffee cake just for my sis (who loves loves loves coffee cake). I imagine there will be a mimosa or too as well.

We will then make a quick stop by Jason's parents' home. They won't be doing anything special as no one else is coming into town. Their big holiday celebration is Thanksgiving.

Finally, it'll be dinner at my dad's. As is traditional for us, it'll be manicotti for dinner. I'm going to do some roasted broccoli, and my step-mother always makes some casseroles. Dad is so proud, he's doing a deconstructed manicotti for my sister using gluten-free pasta that she took over to him.

Gotta say, it makes me smile to know how much he tries for the both of us. It means more than he probably knows. And my mom as well actually. To me it's very special when someone recognizes your dietary preferences or needs and really and truly tries to take them into account in order to make sure you're happy as well.

Happy Christmas Eve to everyone. I hope your day is filled with family, friendship, laughter, and love.

Daily To-Enjoy List:
  • Time with family
  • Rest day (severely needed)
  • Laughter
  • Good food
  • Love


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