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Sister and Girlfriend Time = Best Time

Run & Legs
I was off work today, actually off work until next Tuesday, so that meant I was able to sleep in a bit. But I did need to get my workout done earlier rather than later. So I hit the gym by 8:30. It was pretty much dead other than one other person on the treadmill. Love it when it's quiet and I don't have to fight for a fan or "my" treadmill.

I wasn't exactly keen on a treadmill run, but sometimes you just have to get yourself going.

I started with 1 mile warm up at a 9:22 min mile then 4 sets of intervals at 1 min with 1.5 min recovery (I guess that's really 1 min and 30 seconds) at an 8 min mile and 9:31 min mile then finished out the remainder to round out to 3 miles.

I decided to go ahead and work full legs today rather than split them up. I went with supersets of 3x8 unless noted.

Barbell squats - warmup set of 10

Barbell squats
Stiff-legged deadlifts

Step ups (with dumbbells)
Plie squat with low end pulse - using single dumbbell

Alternating front lunges
Calf raise - 15 reps

I had been initially dreading the workout. I was really wanting to run outside, but it was cloudy, windy and cold when I needed to be getting in my workout. However, this ended up being a great workout. Once I got going, I really got into it. I felt strong throughout and plan on increasing weights next week.

Girls' Day
After the workout, I had to get home and get cleaned up pretty quickly. The plan was to head to my hometown to spend most of the day with my sister and also have lunch with one of my oldest and dearest friends. K and I have literally known each other for about 32 years now. So I will just go ahead and say our whole lives.


I was surprised (pleasantly) to find out that my friend's sister, D at far right, was also going to join us. They are really like family. I know that I could call either of them, or even their parents at any given time and they'd be there as quickly as humanly possible. 

We met at Ruby Tuesdays, love their salad bar, a little after noon and visited until after 2:30. Thankfully, they weren't super busy so our waitress didn't mind that we were taking up space. My cheeks seriously hurt by the time we left from laughing so much. You really can't beat a lunch with family and friends (or family and family) like that.

After our extended lunch, Sarah and I head back to her house to make some holiday treats. In years past we have spent an entire day baking and icing cookies then boxing or bagging them all up. This year, we took the fast route. No baking involved, but still lots of fun.

We made some white chocolate bark with almonds and cranberries, GF white chocolate covered pretzels, GF peanut butter pretzels, and GF puppy chow. I will say it all tasted very good ;-)

This has to have been one of the best days I have had recently. It was filled with friends, sister time, tons of laughter, good food, and even some wine. It's a shame every day can't be quite like this. Life is simply too short not to have more of these kinds of days or moments. And, after yesterday, this was definitely the kind of day I need down to my sole. I smile all the way home, only sad that it had to end.

Daily To-Enjoy List:
  • Run
  • Weights
  • Sister time
  • Time with dear friends


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