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Weights, Errands, Kitchen Time & Major Klutz

Gym Day
Yesterday's run was so great that I really had crazy notions of going out for another one today. But, I knew that I didn't need to push it. So, I ended up going to the gym instead. I thought I was going to run a mile for my warmup. Thought is the key word. Not even 2 minutes in I had to stop because of my sciatica/piriformis pain. Obviously the gym was a smarter plan that trying to go for another outdoor run.

So, warm up ended up being 15 minutes on the elliptical instead. It did give me a chance to read some of the latest Oxygen magazine at least. Then it was time to hit the weights: chest, shoulders, hamstrings. I went with the typical 3x8 pattern.

Chest flye into press
Pushups with toes on bench

Overhead shoulder press
Bulgarian deadlift

Lateral raise
Step ups - 6 reps

Upright rows
Hamstring roll-ins on stability ball

I finished up with some ab work using weights and the ball. Ok, for all you lifters, what am I doing wrong with the DLs that I hit my knee with the bar on the first rep or two. Mind you, I only do this the first 1 or 2 reps. Hurts so I learn...well sort of because I apparently forget from one week to the next. But, I do have a nice bruise on my knee again.

Errands & Kitchen Time
After the gym, I head to the grocery store. Note to self: don't go to the grocery store at 12:30 on a Sunday. Everyone seemed to have left church and gone straight to the store.

The grocery store I frequent was recently remodeled. They should have also redone the parking lot. There is very little parking. For whatever reason, tons of space marked off as no parking. So, if it's busy, there is literally no place to park. I had to drive around the lot a few times. Of course cursing here and there.

Anyway, after the parking craziness, I was luckily able to get in and out fairly quickly. Of course I realized all the things I missed once I got home and started unpacking the bags. Speaking of bags, I try to always take my recyclable bags. Can someone explain why the baggers feel the need to put ALL of the canned goods into one single bag? Can they not even that out and put a few into each bag so the bags can actually be lifted up and carried without the need of a forklift? I guess that's one more reason to lift weights huh?

I got home and put all the groceries away then got myself cleaned up. I made a quick lunch then decided to make some seitan to freeze. I keep my flours in canisters with a metal clasp. Being short, all cabinets are pretty much out of reach. I typically stand on the ledge of a bottom shelf to pull down the flours and put them back. Yes, I should use a chair or stool of course.

As I was putting away the flours, I hit the bag of cornmeal and it came tumbling down. I managed to grab it before it hit the counter and exploded, but at the same time I managed to knock down a canister. It came crashing down and the metal clasp hit me in the head, but I managed to save that too. Thankfully, no blood, only a knot and lots more cursing. All in a day's work.....

Happy Sunday!

Daily To-Enjoy List:
  • Weights
  • Sunshine
  • Relaxed day


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