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11 Miles & Time With Friends = Good

11 Miles. Done.
This morning started off gloomy and gray and pretty early for me. I went to bed by 9 last night while Jason was watching the Razorbacks play in the Cotton Bowl. I had no desire to watch and was tired. I was actually surprised I slept until 7:20 having gone to bed so early.

Anyway, I was up, it was ugly out, and Jason was sleeping in. So I started purging junk out of the back room. I actually managed to consolidate 3 chests (think toy chests) into 2. It was such a great feeling to just get rid of crap that has been taking up space.

After Jason got up, we also got 2 baskets of laundry folded and put away before heading out for our run. The sun came out for all of 2 seconds, but the temperature was at least still about 57 degrees and not terribly windy. So, shorts and short-sleeve shirt for the run today.

I was actually happy that it wasn't sunny. I know that sounds insane coming from me, but if it had been sunny, I know it would have been way too hot. Though, the wind did start to turn and get colder by the end of the run. Oh, and shorts minus anti-chaffing...equals incredible pain and distraction. Just putting that out there.

The first 8 miles were really good. We were actually keeping about a 9:05-9:15 min/mile and both feeling very comfortable with that. But once the chaffing started for me, my focus shifted. My form started slipping, my groove was totally disrupted. I could feel it all going downhill mentally and physically.

I tried to refocus, tried talking and joking with Jason, but it started sucking big time. Mile 9-10 was probably the worst for me. But I did manage to start to find my rhythm again a little after mile 10. We also started picking up the pace a bit. Both ready to be done truly. But it felt good to change up the movement of the body. The last 2 tenths we actually clocked in at 8:18 pace. Hello sprint to the finish, ready to be done!

It really was starting to get chilly out, so stretching outside post-run was shorter than normal. We got home and I rolled out and stretched, but not long enough. We had friends coming over, so I needed to actually de-salt and clean up.

Rather than going out for a late lunch, we had friends over instead. It was really nice to just sit back at the house, munch on snacky food here and enjoy a mimosa or two - all far cheaper than going out and more relaxing. The boys played pool while my friend and I chatted listening to music. Relaxing. Perfect.

The minute they left, however, Jason and I pulled out the ice packs and started icing down. For me it was my piriformis (butt) and right calf and ankle. For Jason it was knees. We are such old farts that I shouldn't even be admitting this on the blog LOL. And I swear running is really fun and worth the pain. Promise....I swear....really....

I think we'll be making chili for dinner. If not that, it'll be something that doesn't require much effort. I hope you all have had a great day!

Daily To-Enjoy List:
  • Run with hubby
  • Afternoon with friends
  • Relaxing


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