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Friendships and Stir Fry

Sappy Friendship Monday

I saw this quote on pinterest, and it is so incredibly true for me. If someone doesn't know me, they tend to think I am very reserved (well, I kind of am) maybe even snobbish because I am so quiet. It's hard for me to put myself out there to start up a conversation. I always feel awkward, like I'm going to say something totally asinine (which does happen).

So, I stand back, watch, listen. I try to figure out where I might fit into the conversation, into the group. Sometimes I never do. Maybe I miss out on friendships for not putting myself out there. I've always had just a small group of very close friends - the ones that love me because I am indeed a nutcase.

I will say, however, that blogging has actually pushed me into new realms of friendship. I never thought you could be friends with someone you didn't know in person, that is, until blogging. Now I truly believe that you can indeed have some great friendships without meeting face-to-face.

And sometimes, if you're lucky, and you put yourself really out on a limb, you do meet these people. I am so thankful that I totally stepped out of my safe little comfort zone almost two years ago when I let my friends Jessica and Jolene convince me to sign up for the Cathe Friedrich Road Trip.

I was really panicked when I actually registered and my registration went through in time (only 105 people are allowed to go). Holy crap, what the hell did I just do??? I am going to spend a weekend with people I barely know, never met, and get my butt kicked by Cathe herself? Really?

But, it was one of the best things I did for myself. And, because of that, I have two incredible friends who are always so supportive, kind, caring. I guess I just want to say thank you to all of my friends and especially to those who do take the time to really care, who take the time to check in. Sometimes a simple email can make a world of difference.

You never know how your actions can affect others, so take a minute to reach out when someone is on your mind. It'll probably make your day as well.

Not So Sappy Stir-Fry
Ok, enough sappiness right? How about spicy instead?

This weekend we spotted some baby bok choy at the store so we picked it up to include in stir-fry this week. Rather than let it sit and wilt, I decided to go ahead and make the stir fry tonight. Nothing fancy, no real recipe here.

I typically cheat and use a pre-made stir-fry sauce or just throw together a quick sauce using soy sauce, PB2, orange juice, rice wine vinegar, fresh ginger, and some garlic powder...oh and Sriracha of course.

Tonight that's the sauce I went with. I first dry-seared tofu to remove as much liquid as possible. Then I tossed it into the marinade and baked at 400 degrees until very firm (flipping once).

For the stir-fry, I sauted carrots, red bell pepper, broccoli, cremini mushrooms, and bok choy then tossed in some green peas and the tofu at the end.

Daily To-Enjoy List:
  • Sunshine
  • Friendship
  • Easy dinner


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