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Pooptastic Day - But Still Thankful

Poopy Round 1
Literally, it was poopy. In reality I'm saying shitastic in case you want to know the truth. It was raining this morning, so I pulled on my handy rain boots. I didn't realize it until I had already gotten to work, but I managed to step on wet dog poop walking to the car. This, of course, meant that their was poop in the car. Yay.

I had my doctor's appointment for my sciatica and foot pain at 9:15 this morning. Without going off on a major rant about doctors prescribing an assload of meds to mask the pain and not really and truly trying to figure out what's wrong, I'll just say that I have 4 prescriptions for pain meds, muscle relaxers, steroids.

I rarely even take Advil or Ibuprophen let alone a cocktail of pain meds. However, I really am in enough pain that I did start the prednisone and left work early to take the muscle relaxer in hopes of some relief. The doctor is setting me up with an orthopedic specialist next week. So, maybe we'll get to the true root of the problem then.

The clinic is actually in the same building as my gym, so I went on over to the gym to get my workout done while I was there. I started with 15 minutes on the elliptical to warm up and then did supersets of 3x8 (unless noted) for chest and shoulders. I also added in abs at the end of the workout.

Arnold press
Flat bench dumbbell press

Lateral raise
Pushups with toes on bench (10 reps)

Front raise
Staggered chest press with dumbbells (10 reps)

The workout was pretty good. I went up in weights on lateral raise so my shoulders are already feeling it.

Poop Rounds 2 & 3
Now, back to the poop. Walking back into the house from the gym, more poop on the shoe. Really? I was trying to tip-toe down the path as best as I could. The dogs aren't wanting to go out in the wet grass, so they're making a mess of the walkway.

After I got cleaned up (back in my sweater dress and super cute Naughty Monkey Booties), I had to stand out in the rain with a towel and cleaner to try to get the poop off the gas pedal and brake in the car. Good times my friends, good times.

I went back to work for a few hours, picked up my meds, finished a few things that I couldn't do at home, then headed back home only to step in poop yet again. No freaking joke - 3 times in one day. If that's not a sign I don't know what is.

So, I took the muscle relaxer and plopped my butt on the couch with my laptop. I could safely do some work on the couch without screwing anything really important up. I don't even recall the last time I had a muscle relaxer, so I wasn't sure how it'd affect me. I'm really sensitive to meds.

I kept waiting for my muscles to actually relax. That never seemed to happen. I mean, I still feel the shoulder work and the pain in my foot and butt. However, I'm beyond relaxed so I kind of don't care too much. Guess that's better than nothing huh?

Anyway, that's my poopy day story for you. At least I can sit here with a stupid grin on my face right? There won't be any new recipe tonight. I think I need to stay away from sharp objects. Jason doesn't know it just yet, but he'll have to take care of the dinner this evening.

Still Thankful
And, because I don't want this post to sound terribly poopy (aka negative) I do want to at least acknowledge that while I was unhappy with doctor's visit, I know I am lucky to have insurance to even go to the doctor.

I may not be able to run, but at least I am capable of lifting weights.

I might be in pain, but that's minor compared to what some people might be going through today. 

Daily To-Enjoy List:
  • Good weight workout
  • Being able to finish workday at home
  • My overall health


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