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Weights, Errands, Late Relaxing Lunch

Gym Day 
Today was a gym day. I did legs yesterday knowing that today would not be my long run Saturday as it has been in the past. It was really kind of damp, gray, and cold out, so that worked out nicely I think....the fact that I hadn't planned a run.

I did 2.5 miles on the treadmill as a warmup and to try to loosen my legs up. The first 1/2 mile was a total pain in the ass and foot (literally) and very mental. I was getting really mad at myself, at my body, at everything. I am really starting to have doubts about this next half marathon, so those thoughts were creeping in.

Negative thoughts never make for a good run, especially a treadmill run. As my body warmed up, everything did start to loosen up at least. So the foot pain subsided as did the butt/hip pain. I tried to just zone out, to listen to my music, to not look at the time at all. So, 2.5 miles done. That's pretty much all I can say about that one.

Today was biceps, triceps, back. I had to adjust my plan a bit midstream as someone was hogging a piece of equipment that I was planning to use. Not bitter of course ;-) I guess I've gotten so used to the gym being empty on Sundays, that I didn't think about it being busier on a Saturday.

I went with trisets of 3x8 unless noted and increased weight today for hammer curls for at least half of the reps (this made me very happy).

Alternating dumbbell curls
Lying triceps extensions
Wide-grip assisted chinups

Hammer curls
Double-arm kickbacks
Single-arm row

Cross-body curls
Weighted dips 12 reps (was planning to do pulldowns)
Pullovers (was planning barbell rows)

I finished with some ab work using weights as well as stability ball (pikes and rollouts). I really felt stronger today. I felt like I could have possibly gone heavier on the triceps extensions and was very pleased with my weight for hammer curls. And the assisted chinups felt slightly easier as well. I think next week I will try to drop the assisted weight again for as many reps as possible and see how that goes.

Errands & Late Lunch
After the gym, we headed to our favorite running store. They were having a big tent sale. Unfortunately, no shoes in my size, well shoes for me in my size I should say. I did find another running hat though for 10 bucks.

Then it was off to the grocery store. Been putting this trip off too long. At least we now have fresh veggies and fruit again. I'm not sure what was going on, but I kept getting colder and colder while we were at the store. I mean, grocery stores are cold, but I had on a puffy coat and shouldn't have been so chilled.

By the time I got home, I told Jason I had to go shower to try to warm up. I left him to unload the groceries only to find that the water wouldn't get hot. It was warm, but not hot. When they replaced the water heater recently, I guess they set it on a more energy efficient setting. Um, that's great, but this chick needed HOT water.

I promptly put on yoga pants, long-sleeved T, and fleece jacket. Finally some warmth. I started to make myself lunch, but then Jason decided (in his mind without telling me) that he wanted to go out to lunch to finish watching the Arkansas Razorbacks basketball game.

So, out of glorified jammies into real clothes and out the door. We did have a nice, relaxing lunch at least. Though I was anticipating lunch in my jammies. Since lunch was so incredibly late, dinner will be very light tonight. Light and simple. Funny that now that the fridge is stocked, I'm not planning on making anything.

While I didn't get in my long run today, I must give a shout out to one awesome chick who got in a PDR run. Cory at Learning Patience hit 10 miles today! I remember how insanely happy, proud, excited I was to hit double-digits for the first time. So this made me so happy for her. Maybe you can make a quick stop over to her blog post (linked above) and give her a big high 5.

What was one of your proudest moments? It doesn't have to be a PDR or heaviest lift of course, just one of those accomplishments that you will never forget. For me it was definitely my first 10-miler, then my first half, then hitting 14.5 miles.

Daily To-Enjoy List:
  • Weight day
  • Relaxing


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