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Tabata, Weights & Time With Friends

Saturday Recap
Yesterday Jason and I hit the gym. In lieu of  long run, I went with a cardio-only gym day. I started with 25 minutes on the elliptical then moved on to another tabata style workout.

I chose 8 exercises that included kettlebells. Each exercise is done for 20 seconds with 10 seconds rest then 1 minute rest after each circuit. I repeated 5 times for a 25-minute session.

Alternating side squats (body weight)
Single arm kettlebell swings
Kettlebell squats with overhead press
Side shuffles
Kettlebell swing with squat
Kettlebell squat with pull
Walking lunges (holding kettlebell in both hands)

This was a really great workout that flew by. I think that's the beauty of HIIT workouts.

After the gym, we hit the grocery store. That's about where our productivity ended for the day. Of course, if you count having fun with friends as being productive, then we were all over that one.

We ended up meeting our friends out for a drink. The guys played darts while my friend and I visited. Then we decided to just come back to our house and play pool for a few hours. I think it was a great way to spend a Saturday.

Today I hit the gym again. I feel like I might as well just move up there at this point. I started with 20 minutes on the elliptical then hit the weights for biceps and triceps. I did 3 sets of the following (the reps varied a little more today depending on whether I was trying to increase the weights).

Barbell curls (EZ Bar) - 6/7/6
Double-arm overhead triceps extensions - 8

Hammer curls - 6
Weighted dips - 10

Incline curls - 8 (4 at heaviest weight then 4 at next lighter)
Triceps pulldowns

I did some ab work using a medicine ball then called it done.

Honestly, we weren't very productive once again. Jason did go to Home Depot and pick up some supplies for one project. We just didn't get started on the project. I did get some laundry done at least. I also spent a lot of time stretching and rolling out again. So far, my piriformis and sciatica are doing pretty good. Now if I could just fix the heel pain I'd be back on track.

I didn't mention it on Friday, but I did get my MRI results back. After emphatically saying it wasn't plantar fasciits, the doctor recanted and said it was. In other words, no breaks or tears showed on the MRI. While I know that's great news, I'm still very frustrated with the lack of a solution for the pain.

They sent me some "exercises" to do for my foot. I already do those stretches and then some. It's really frustrating when you've been doing something that they say should fix the problem, but it's not. We did recently get some books for runners and injury prevention and recovery. One book suggested rolling out the area on a golf ball for 30 minutes each day regardless of how bad it hurts.

Thankfully, Jason had some golf balls so I have been trying that out along with the stretches. Fingers crossed it starts to help. Right now it just hurts like a mother....

I suppose it's still fairly early, so maybe we'll get inspired to be more productive. Otherwise, we have a lot to get done this week ;-) 

Daily To-Enjoy List:
  • Weight day
  • Relaxing
  • Watching a movie


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