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Working Out & Relaxing Plus Sunday Fashion

Weights & Tabata 
This morning started off cold again, but quickly warmed up. It was a beautiful, sunny day with temps hitting 70 degrees. Absolutely perfect if you ask me. Jason and I headed to the gym around 11, a little later than I had hoped, but it's Sunday so no worries.

I went with shoulders, back, chest today. I ended up having to rearrange my workout a little bit because Jason was using the barbell I needed. But it all worked out, and I got in a good weight workout. I did supersets of 3x8 unless noted.

Arnold press
Wide-grip assisted chinups
Flat bench dumbbell chest press

Lateral raise
Underhand barbell rows -7 reps because I increased weight
Pushups with toes on bench - 10 reps

Front raise
Single-arm rows
Staggered chest press

I followed up the workout with 3 rounds of tabata trying to engage the muscle groups I had just worked. For the tabata you do 20 seconds of each exercise followed by 10 seconds rest. After you complete all 8 exercises, you rest 1 minute giving you a circuit of 5 minutes each round.

Squat thrust with pushups
Kettlebell swings
Kettlebell figure 8's
Kettlebell squats with pulls (like upright row)
Single-arm kettlebell swing, right arm
Lateral shuffles
Single-arm kettlebell swing, left arm
Up/down planks

All in all, a pretty good workout session. I was happy to go up in weights for the barbell rows, and felt strong for the shoulder work.

Errands & Enjoyment
After the workout, we hit up the grocery store, then headed back to the house. I stretched and rolled while Jason kindly put away the groceries.

It was far too nice to stay at home, so we decided to head out for lunch. We didn't figure we'd find a place with a patio opened up, but wanted to at least have great views of the sunshine. We ended up at one of our favorite hangouts, Dugan's.

After stuffing our faces, we headed down to the river, parking at the Clinton Library. It was hysterical (to me at least) to see kids "sledding" in non-snow. They were using cardboard and just sliding down the hills on the grass. Talk about creative, I never would have thought it'd work.

Since I was just talking about fashion on my Friday post, I thought I'd show one of my outfits. In this one, jeans are the Gap Always Skinny, boots are Jessica Simpson (freaking awesome deal from ebay, 30 bucks with shipping), cardigan from Ann Taylor Loft, scarf, white t-shirt, and earrings (that you can't see) all from The Limited.This is just a comfy, relaxed Sunday outfit for me. As it gets warmer, I can wear capris pants and trade in the scarf for a chunky necklace.

And a self-portrait of Jason and me. Kind of awkward, but he is a foot taller so I was just happy to be in the picture ;-)
So, today...another fabulous day. This has been a great weekend actually. The weather has been perfect, we've gotten some things accomplished, but also got to relax. I think all weekends should be like this...or like last weekend spent with friends.

Daily To-Enjoy List:
  • Workout
  • Sunshine
  • Warmer temps
  • Relaxing


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