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Fun Facts Friday - Friendship

Today I hit the gym for upper body. Nothing terribly exciting. So rather than list out my workout for the day, I thought I'd jump right on into Fun Facts Friday.

I know I've talked about it before, but friendships are so incredibly important. And it's not how many friends you have that matter either, it's the quality of the friendship. And as hard as it may be to realize, not all friendships are meant to last, but some withstand the tests of time.
You meet friends in so many different ways as well. Sometimes, if you're lucky, it's your sister or brother. Some you meet the first day of pre-school or kindergarten. Maybe you meet in college. Sometimes it's a totally random meeting. And you can even find the best of friends through blogging. They don't all have to be IRL (in real life) to be special.

I am blessed to have my sister as my best friend. Not everyone is close to their siblings, I realize. I really cannot imagine having grown up without her.

And this guy, I am lucky that I met him by random chance. He's not only my husband, but my best friend and my soulmate. Pretty certain no one else would ever put up with me ;-)

I feel truly honored to have known this beautiful lady for about 33 years now. She's one of those beautiful souls that make the world a better place for just being around. And, she gives the best hugs ever.

Family members can make pretty darn good friends too. My cousin and I are only 7 months apart in age, so we basically grew up together. He's more of a brother to me than a cousin. Now if only he lived closer!

And it's truly wonderful when you meet an amazing couple that you and your husband both like. We met these fantastic friends by chance...well, sort of, lots of mutual friends. But we ended up being great friends. We pretty much hang out at least once with each other every weekend.

And then there are those blogger friends that become IRL friends. Again, so very honored to know this beautiful lady and receive her friendship and support. Now I just need a new picture with her sis too!

And then there are those friends we lose. Sometimes the friendships simply end, sometimes they are taken from this life too soon. But they are always with you either in your heart or in wonderful memories.

What are your thoughts on friends? To me, they are like family. Do you have friends you've known your whole life? How did you meet your best friend?

Daily To-Enjoy List:

  • Sunshine
  • Time with friends
  • Time with hubby
  • Relaxing


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