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Fun Facts Friday - Sephora Addiction

Non-Rest Day
We were supposed to have rain for 4 days straight. Sometimes it's great when the weather people are wrong. Hello sunshine. It's definitely cooler, and windy, but sunny. Since I took my rest day on Monday, that meant gym today.

Initially I was going to hit the legs. I even pulled my resistance band out of my bag. I started with a warmup on the elliptical then ended up hitting back and shoulders instead of legs. I thought I'd give them one more day to recover from the half marathon.

I went with supersets of 3x8:

Assisted chinups (gettin' easier)
Overhead shoulder press

Underhand barbell row
Front raises

Double-arm rows
Upright rows

I also did some ab work.

Fun Facts Friday - Sephora Addiction 
I was really not sure what I wanted to do for Fun Facts Friday. Sometimes I have great ideas, sometimes no ideas at all. Today was a no idea kind of day.

While I was getting myself ready again after the gym, it hit me...another Fashion Edition - Makeup. I know it doesn't sound terribly exciting. But let me explain. I used to be very simple when it came to makeup. Wal-Mart was as fancy as I got. Mostly Cover Girl or Maybelline (still use their mascara though).

But, that changed two years ago when a friend invited me to the special opening for the new Sephora store. She is a local DJ and they were hosting a big event. Jason actually encouraged me to go...which I bet he regrets now.

Anyway, I really didn't want to go. It wasn't my scene, but, I wanted to support my friend. I actually spent some time looking up products online so I wouldn't be overwhelmed when I got to the store. I had it planned out exactly what I wanted - a Bare Escentuals Starter Kit. It wasn't too pricy, but definitely a splurge for me.

That was the beginning of the end in a way. I am definitely a girlie girl! Sephora is a little taste of heaven. I have discovered a new love of makeup, anti-aging products, nail polishes, brushes, you name it. So, what are my favorite products? Here's my list:

Eyeshadow - Bare Escentuals

Eyeliner - Bare Escentuals in Plum

Blush - Bare Escentuals

Powder/Base - Korres Mineral Powder

Lotions - Korres Anti-Aging Line

Makeup Brushes - all by Bare Escentuals

Nail Polish - Sephora by O.P.I - Current favorite colors are "Never Enough Shoes," "Break a Legwarmer," and "Beauty Junkie."

Are you a makeup junkie or are do you keep it pretty basic? What are some of your favorite brands?

Daily To-Enjoy List:

  • Sunshine
  • It's Friday
  • Relaxing evening
  • Giveaway announcement tomorrow


  1. Love Celestine eyeshadow by bare minerals! I love most of their stuff and swear by Jane iredale bronzed. Like you I still use a "cheap" mascara but splurge on most other things! Fun post heather :) enjoy the weekend!

  2. You are braver than I! Sephora completely overwhelms me. Too many choices! I still use the same makeup I used in high school and college!


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