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Running & Balsamic Tofu Salad

Today was probably the last sunny day until Friday, so Jason and I took advantage of it and got in a 3-mile run at lunch. It was already close to 80 degrees and a bit windier than I would have liked, but when it's hot, sometimes the wind can be a very welcome thing.

I'm slowly starting to feel my running endurance returning, but I still feel so slow and heavy. No, I'm not healed up all the way, which Jason keeps reminding me, so that probably is playing a huge role (duh) in how I'm feeling. I also feel like I am so focused on all the nuances of my body, that it's hard to just settle in and enjoy the run.

I'm constantly thinking about how my foot is landing, if it's starting to bother my heel, if my piriformis is starting to get tight, or oops was that an IT band twinge???? I feel like a total running disaster to an extent. One thing here offsets something else there, which then starts to offset something somewhere else. Talk about feeling off kilter to say the least.

But, I am so happy to be able to be outside running period. I just feel lighter thinking about it even. I've desperately been needing these runs, no matter how short they might be. And I know that there will come a time when running will feel like flying again...

Making Up Recipes 
Tonight I really wasn't sure what to make. We grilled veggies and had those with hummus in a wrap last night. If we grilled again, it pretty much would have been the same veggies used.

When I asked Jason what he thought, he suggested a "Chicken" Salad but using a balsamic vinegar style rather than a creamy, mayo-style. He's made this in the past with seitan. However, I am out of seitan, and I've never made it. So, here's my version of a Balsamic Tofu Salad.

Balsamic Tofu Salad
1 1/2 packages extra firm tofu
1/4 cup or less red onion, finely diced
1 small honeycrisp or Granny Smith apple, diced
1 carrot, shredded
1/4 cup raisins
Balsamic vinegar
Red wine vinegar
Drizzle honey or agave nectar
2-3 tbsp Dijon mustard (basically to taste)
To taste: salt, pepper, parsley

Either press the tofu for several hours or dry sear. To dry-sear the tofu, cut the tofu in half, lengthwise then cut into half again making 4 slabs. Heat up a non-stick skillet and place the tofu into the pan. Using a spatula, press the tofu firmly so that the water begins to be pulled out. Brown one side then flip and repeat.

After the tofu has been seared, cut into cubes.

Meanwhile, in a medium bowl, mix together the onion, mustard, raisins, spices, honey, balsamic vinegar and red-wine vinegar. (I did not use exact measurements, I just poured a little of this and a little of that until I got the right flavors that I prefer.)

Stir in the tofu, carrots, and apples and allow to marinate for at least 30 minutes before serving.

While this really didn't taste much like Jason's version, it wasn't too shabby. The apples added a nice sweetness and texture. It'd also be really good in a wrap or as a sandwich.

Daily To-Enjoy List:
  • Sunshine
  • Run with Jason


  1. I normally hate the wind, but on a hot day it can def be welcomed!


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