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Running Mind Body Disconnect

Re-Thinking My Running
Yesterday ended up being one of those days that turned out to be a good one, but totally not planned. It was a sunny, warmish day. I really couldn't stand the thought of the gym to be honest. So this leads to the first unplanned activity - a run with Jason.

We started off slow and steady. He had a route that he wanted to go. And his routes are very very different than mine. I wanted a simple out and back. I actually would have chosen to drive to the river trails. He, on the other hand, meanders, starting from the house.

So, while I'm just trying to get my running legs back in action, he's meandering around for the run. Sudden left turns, now a quick right turn. It might be planned out in his mind, but he wasn't sharing his plan with me. Let's just say I was a little annoyed at that, but was trying to be a good sport and just enjoy being outside running.

It was definitely windier than we had expected. Hello running in place feeling. But, the sunshine felt so wonderful on my arms, my face. I could forgive the wind this once. I think this feeling of being outside, the sun, the fresh air, the blooming flowers is what I've so desperately been missing from not being able to run.

The run itself wasn't a good one for me. I'll be honest, no sugar coating. I was very frustrated with my body and honestly wanted to just cry at times. My legs felt heavy; I felt like I was running a sub-7 min mile and that was clearly not the case at all. In other words, my perceived exertion was absolutely nowhere near my true exertion level. I am going to really have to step back and start slow. Yesterday we did 6.5 miles when I should have done 2 miles.

My head still thinks of 6 miles as a base mileage, an "easy" run. But my body disagrees. So it's frustrating to have the mind and body at a total disconnect. I am going to have to get my brain to start listening to my body. To realize that I can't just go out and knock out 6 miles right now...unless of course I want to stay injured.

But, the positives do still outweigh the negatives of the run. While I was frustrated and angry with myself and my hips hurting, I've still had far worse runs. So, the positives: I was spending time with Jason; I was running; I was outside; and my heel pain is not any worse from running. So that's really a good feeling for me. I see the light at the end of the proverbial tunnel. I know that I will heal. I know that I will run again. And I know that I still love running.

Family Time
After the run, we ended up making the decision to head to our hometown. One of Jason's sisters and her kids were in town from out of state. His brother and his family and one of his other sisters and her family were all supposed to get together today. But we knew it'd be rainy and nasty, so we chose to go down yesterday.

Funny thing, his brother decided the same thing. So it really worked out for the best. The kids could all play outside too. I stayed for about an hour, then my sis picked me up and we had a little bit of sister time. We ended up at TJ Maxx, but both came away empty handed. So the next stop was a bar to enjoy wine ;-) It was really a great afternoon. 

Soggy Sunday
Today has been rainy and dreary. Quite the opposite of yesterday. I like the time change for the fact that it's light later. However, I hate waking up already being an hour behind.

The weather did nothing for my motivation levels. But, we did manage to drag our rear ends to the gym. I had planned on legs, but my legs would have straight up given out. So I went with biceps and triceps instead.

I did supersets of 3x8 and then finished off with dropsets.

Barbell curls
Triceps pulldowns

Incline curls
Double-arm overhead triceps extensions

Hammer curls
Weighted triceps dips - 10 reps

Dropsets biceps curls - 6, 8, 10
Dropsets double-arm kickbacks - 6, 8, 10

After the gym we should have gone to Target. Instead I went home and stretched and rolled for a while. Then we ended up meeting friends for a late lunch. About the only productive thing I've done has been the gym and washing some clothes. But, it's Sunday so that's a-ok.

Don't forget to enter my giveaway for Food Should Taste Good. I will announce the winner on March 16.

Daily To-Enjoy List:
  • Lunch with friends
  • Relaxing


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