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9 Miles & Running Lessons Learned

This morning started off rather cloudy and cool. A front moved through and the temps were in the 40's. Of course this was a great excuse for holding off on my run for a while. Jason obviously couldn't go with me today, so it was the first solo run since before my injures (so early February).

I don't know why, but I was really nervous about doing a long, solo run all of the sudden. I never really minded before. I usually enjoy the "me" time. But this morning I was doing my best to come up with reason to not run.

I even told myself I'd do 4 today then do my long run tomorrow I was having Jason tape my foot with the KT Tape. The sun started to come out and the temps were in the mid-50's. I knew deep down that I needed to just get out there and stop being a baby.

Actually, I had one thing to look forward to (sort of), I spent Friday evening downloading some new songs for a playlist. But that's a lesson learned I'll get to in a minute. So, I sucked it up, got myself ready and headed out a little after 11.

It felt pretty chilly when I first started going, and very windy. But of course I got warm very quickly. And it turned out to be a damn good run. I felt strong. I felt good. I felt peaceful. I actually had to talk myself out of 10 miles because I was really feeling smug to be honest. So I stopped at 9 (like a good girl) and walked a quarter of a mile to cool down.

While I was running, I had plenty of time to think and found myself coming up with a lessons learned kind of list. I haven't done a running lessons learned post in ages, so I thought I'd share where my mind went today.
  •  55 degrees is cold only when you're not running. When you're running, it's hot. 
  • Wind is either your friend or your enemy. If it's hot you pray for it, if it's headwinds at 25 mph you're cursing it.
  • Garmin's are made for a reason. I'm terrible at pacing myself and am very happy to have the Garmin to help keep myself in check. I do not need to do an 8:45 pace on a long run especially at mile 7. 
  • When you didn't get the lid on your water bottle correctly and it's sloshing out, you're likely to curse out loud in front of children.
  • Children (toddlers) do not run in a straight line. They veer towards you somehow.
  • It's best not to think about the number of bugs you eat during a run.
  • Trying to do a new playlist the night before isn't smart, especially when you're technologically challenged. It wasn't on shuffle so played in alphabetical order by artist. I had no idea I had that many Eminem songs on my playlist. I think it must have been an entire album.
  • It's ok to smile for no particular reason when running. Other runners understand, and everyone else will steer clear because obviously you're crazy.
  • Sometimes the best runs are the ones you try to avoid. 
What are some of your running or workout lessons learned? My list was a lot longer while I was running. I always forget most of what I was thinking no matter how sure I am that I'll remember. Running amnesia perhaps?

Daily To-Enjoy List:
  • Sunshine
  • Running
  • Relaxing


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