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Fun Facts Friday - An Athlete's Home

Last night as I tripped over a pair of Jason's running shoes, it just hit me, this is a house of athletes. Not professional mind you. But athletes nonetheless. I run and lift, he runs, swims, cycles. So we have an abundance of workout related gear strewn about the house. Pretty much in every nook and cranny to be honest. So, I thought it'd be fun for Fun Facts Friday to do a "you know when..." kind of post.

You know you live in a household of athletes when...

  • You have 4 different types of aches and pains creams (such as Tiger Balm, Icy Hot, BioFreeze....)
  • Shoes are piled up all around (and this is not even half of them)


  • 80% of your laundry is workout clothes
  • You have multiple workout bags
  • You have 3 containers of KT Tape (in 3 different colors of course)
  • Part of your book collection includes books on running, injury prevention, anatomy, triathlon training, and weight lifting
  • You keep sweat towels in your car at all times
  • You have a shelf in the cabinet just for all the water bottles
  • You have a drawer just for your GU packets, energy and protein bars
  • You purchase your GUs and Gels in by the box not individually
  • You have at least 2 drawers dedicated just for your workout clothes (for me that's 1 for long sleeves, long pants, capris, the other for shorts, sports bras, tanks)
  • You have 2 yoga mats (or more) - I keep one in the living room
  • You have your foam roller or Triggerpoint Kit at arm's reach (mine is with my yoga mat in the living room)
  • You own a heating pad and have several ice packs designated for recovery purposes
Your turn - how do you know you live in a household of athletes? Do you see yourself as an athlete?

Daily To-Enjoy List:
  • Rest day
  • Sunshine
  • Relaxing


  1. Have you been snooping in my drawers??? You nailed this post! So true! I was just commenting to the hubs that we have so much laundry at the end of the day not because we have 2 messy toddlers but because we both workout everyday.

    You might be a athlete if you keep spare hair elastics and headbands in your car just in case you are going to workout!

  2. This sounds oh so familiar. My husband and I have just accepted that our home office is really our home gym. And I have a few of these things stashed at work too!

  3. This sounds oh so familiar. My husband and I have just accepted that our home office is really our home gym. And I have a few of these things stashed at work too!


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